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Out of Darkness, into Light – The Amazing Astrology of February 11th, 2021

Planetary Alignment

If your world feels out of balance at this time, you may find the answer in the quote attributed to Hermes Trismegistus: As above, so below….” Whatever happens to us on Earth, to some degree or other, reflects the Divine plan of evolution working through the energies of the planets.

Right now, the energies are extremely intense as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all in the sign of Aquarius, forming what’s called in astrology – a stellium (a configuration of three or more planets in the same sign of the zodiac).  

All of this Aquarian energy is influencing the lives of everyone on Earth, especially from February 1st until February 18th. The peak day is at the time of the New Moon on February 11th at 11:05 am PST / 2:05 pm EST / 7:05 pm GMT.

This high-octane powerful and intense energy in the sign of Aquarius is calling us to awaken to greater humanitarianism, a desire for Oneness, social justice, an expansion of consciousness, a quest for Truth rather than theory, and an integration of science and spirituality.  

All of these planets in Aquarius form a square (a 90-degree angle that brings tense energy) with one of the two ruling planets of Aquarius – Uranus, in the sign of Taurus. Uranus brings revelation as well as revolution. This indicates Earth changes, buried secrets coming to light, as well as possible violence and a desire to tear down the status quo. Fortunately, the influence of the second planetary ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, referred to as the planet of Karma and upholder of tradition, is particularly strong. It is reminding us that our actions, our thoughts, and our intentions all have consequences.

This potent configuration is like a cosmic reminder that we can no longer continue as we have been and now is the time for us to move away from our infancy as a race and grow into conscious adults. 

So, what does this mean for us; what can we expect and what should we do 

While the planets incline they do not compel. Since we have free will, the choice of how we use these influences either by realizing more fully our Divine potential or by continuing in our petty, selfish ways – whatever the consequences – is up to each and every one of us.

To make the best use of these influences, we are urged to strive for spiritual goals. It is time to understand ourselves and others. It is a time to determine that we will make a positive difference. It is a time of giving through service to others, healing and prayer.

If we choose to do this, we are then using the potent energies of the planets to assist us and each other in our growth and evolution. It is as if God is pointing out to us the way forward through the influence of Its fantastic planetary emissaries. 

Almost Sixty Years Ago – The Age of Aquarius Begins and the World Changes

Almost sixty years ago, on February 4th/5th, 1962, a similar stellium of seven planets took place in the sign of Aquarius during the time of a total solar eclipse. In 1962, the intensification of energy of this line-up of planets resulted in worldwide changes of social and spiritual consciousness. This was the beginning of a counter-culture: a new spirituality, transformative love – numerous changes, positive and negative. 

The planetary configuration on February 11th, 2021, is akin to humanity being given a second chance to uphold the positive attributes of the new spirituality of this Age, embodied by organizations such as The Aetherius Society. 

In 1962, the stellium was reported in the news and celebrated among astrologers. However, it was the 1967 musical, Hair, with its opening song, Aquarius, with the line “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius“, that brought the Aquarian age concept to the attention of audiences worldwide. While the astrology wasn’t accurate, the words resonated with many people yearning to find a better way of living in keeping with the concepts of this song: Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding, No more falsehoods or derisions”.

However, the real significance of the 1962 configuration was taking place behind, or one might say above, the scenes. These actions by Masters and Ascended Masters from The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth together with Interplanetary Intelligences known as Cosmic Masters who have been assisting humanity for many thousands of years, were absolutely astounding. This was reported in The Aetherius Society’s journal, Cosmic Voice Issue Number 26 (July-August, 1962)

This journal included many messages, known as Cosmic Transmissions, received through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King. On December 20th, 1961, the Master Aetherius spoke about the upcoming configuration and the action being taken in the form of Power Transmissions from Cosmic Masters from Jupiter. In this extract, you will read that He refers to Mental Channel No. 1: a code name for Dr. George King.

The Master Aetherius:

Very shortly, there will be a powerful configuration in the heavens, as you call them. As we have already said previously, you Terrestrials have, to some extent, modified the tremendous radiations which will be given from this particular configuration. This modification of yours has made what could have been Spiritual honey into a dark acid. You will have to drink this acid. By Karmic Law, you must.

Such is the Karma of Terra that we cannot intervene any more than the pattern permits. However, whenever possible, we will project through some pieces of mechanism as much of the beneficent radiations from the Planet Jupiter as we can. Not that the radiations from the configuration are in any way malefic. Whoever says so, is an idiot, to use your own terminology back at you, if I may be permitted to do so. But, however, the alkali for the acid will be Jupiterian radiations and we will use Mental Channel No. 1 between this time and February the twenty-third to radiate as much Energy from this giant Planet as Karmic Law will allow. We will start now, at the moment.

Dr. George King explained by writing that:

….The Master Aetherius stated that a special series of Power Transmissions would be given so that energies from the Planet Jupiter might be radiated to Earth in order to tend to counteract the modifications which terrestrial people have imposed upon the tremendous radiations which would come from the configuration of Planets on February 4th and 5th, 1962.

As these Transmissions were due to be given any time during the day or night, the Los Angeles and London Headquarters adopted emergency stand-by measures. On both sides of the World, we were prepared to go into action immediately.

Dr. King, in constant communication with the Cosmic Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy throughout this time, reported the different phases of Power Transmissions that took place between January 30th and February 19th. In the important third phase, energy sent from Jupiter was manipulated by the greatest Master now on Earth, the Lord Babaji. 

Dr. King revealed:

At the end of this manipulation, there was a Council meeting on Earth, attended by the Lord Babaji, Mars Sector 6, and the Lords, Buddha and Shri Krishna. This was an historic meeting indeed and we were informed that the Logos of Earth had received more Energy during this manipulation than ever She had received before in Her present incarnation as a Planet!

These power transmissions were given to benefit humanity but primarily the Earth Herself, during this time leading up to Her Primary Initiation on July the 8th, 1964

This Phase culminated with a beautiful transmission received through Dr. King by a Cosmic Master, Jupiter 92. This is a short extract:

For centuries we have impregnated your World with our different essences. The essence of music we have sent upon you. The essence of colour we have laid at your feet. The essence of sound, of Love, of inspiration, these we have sent unto you. The essence of subtle beneficence, we have sent, but alas, too few have reached and grasped this from the very living ethers around them and taken this essence of inspirational culture to their very souls. Nay, they have eaten of the fruits of Earth without appreciating the greatness which was still small, yet all resounding. We have impregnated you with these essences, quite freely, save for an inward searching on your part, a lack of selfishness on your part, an urge to rise upwards on your part and this their only cost. Upon the temple of your very soul is placed even now great inspiration which could lift you upwards and away from your present dilemmas.

During the Sixth Phase, it was reported by Dr. King that the most important Power manipulation up to that time had been delivered through The Three Adepts and 40 Agents of The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.

Dr. George King:

Probably more devastating catastrophes than the World can remember would have caused the death and destruction of tens of thousands of human lives, had it not been for This, the most important Power Transmission ever given for man at any time. The World has a great debt to repay to the Cosmic Masters and to those few people who are able to cooperate with an Operation such as this. 

Indeed was the Master Aetherius right when, in a Message to The Aetherius Society, on April 1st, 1961, at 9.30 p.m. He stated quite categorically: ‘The Aetherius Society is an essential part, an essential cog in the Great Cosmic Plan. It is the Master Cog, which is being driven by a Cosmic Battery.’

Our Actions Now

During the time leading up to, during and after the most potent day of the planetary stellium on February 11th, The Aetherius Society is using this intensification of planetary energies in the most potent way – by increasing our spiritual actions, including Services of global prayer and healing.

We invite you all to join us in our regular online Services so that you too can be a part of this change – helping to lead us out of darkness into Light. Let us remember that, in this Age of Science – the Aquarian Age – it is our Love that is the most essential energy of all.

In the words of the Avatar of Love, the Master Jesus, delivered in a Transmission through Dr. George King on September 14th, 1957:

The Age which is breaking now, brings with it great possibilities and is the Age of Science. Science, by itself, is like the soul-less wanderer of the realms of night. Yet a warmth will come out of Love, to fashion it into a tool, so that it becometh as a wise man, finding his home. Warm it with that Love, my brothers. Let that wondrous, everlasting Power from your hearts fall upon this Science, so that it becometh as a tool in the hands of Everlasting Divinity and not that soul-less thing which you have made of it.


In order to further cooperate with this important astrological configuration, The Aetherius Society worldwide will be radiating over 100,000 prayer hours through our five Spiritual Energy Radiators from February 8th to 14th. Read more about the Cosmic Missions of The Aetherius Society.

Chrissie Blaze

About the author
Chrissie Blaze has been a Member of The Aetherius Society since 1972 and was a close student of Dr George King for 25 years. She is an ordained Priest in The Aetherius Churches and a member of the Ecclesiastical Synod. She is an international speaker and the author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. Debra Littleboy on February 9, 2021 at 8:39 am

    Thank you Chrissie,
    Bringing all this info together has really helped me.

    • Chrissie Blaze on February 9, 2021 at 4:46 pm

      Thank you, Debra. So glad that the Blog was helpful.
      Have a joyful celebration of this rare planetary configuration! I know it will be helpful for all of us who are working to help and heal our world.
      Blessings to you,

  2. Leonor R. Cadete on February 9, 2021 at 9:18 am

    Sincere gratitude for your gracious translation of the current/upcoming Divine symphony!

    May we «Go with God»!

    • Chrissie Blaze on February 9, 2021 at 4:47 pm

      Thank you, Leonor. The Divine symphony of planets and your kind remarks are music to my ears:)

  3. Sonia on February 9, 2021 at 9:18 am

    Amazing truth, yes will share with others, very grateful and thankful for the Aetherius Society holy sisters and brothers for working super hard to love and serve the humanity 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💜💜💜💜💖💗💓

    • Chrissie Blaze on February 9, 2021 at 4:49 pm

      Thank you, Sonia, for your enthusiastic comments. They are much appreciated, I am sure, by all Members of our wonderful Spiritual Order, The Aetherius Society.

      • Helen Jennings on February 12, 2021 at 1:40 am

        Hi Chrissie,
        Thank you so much for this informative, incisive and uplifting blog. We love the way you pull together strands from so many sources into a coherent and easily understandable whole. And many thanks to you and to Brian for the incredibly powerful services on the 11th.
        I believe that today (12th) is the 60th anniversary of the First Freedom, and this also feels very appropriate! We certainly need to work on bravery in these times!
        With love,
        Helen and Jon

        • Chrissie Blaze on February 13, 2021 at 7:38 am

          Dear Helen and Jon:
          I’m s glad that you enjoyed the Blog, and thank you for your kind remarks about the Services by Brian and myself on February 11.
          You are indeed correct – that February 12 was the 60th anniversary of the First Freedom. Thank you for the timely reminder; I agree that this Freedom seems particularly relevant at this difficult time in our world.

  4. Chrissie Blaze on February 9, 2021 at 10:35 am

    Thank you, Debra. So glad that the Blog was helpful.
    Have a joyful celebration of this rare planetary configuration! I know it will be helpful for all of us who are working to help and heal our world.
    Blessings to you.

  5. David on February 9, 2021 at 11:58 am

    This article made me think of a talk by Dr King which I last heard on audio tape probably a good 25 to 30 years ago now.

    I will have to paraphrase slightly, but purely from memory I believe that he stated in the course of the talk that ‘ what you should have had in 1962 was the Next Master come to Earth – the energies were absolutely perfect for this.’ He was referring to how the mental energies of mankind are prone to warping the positive and beneficent energies of an auspicious planetary configuation, thereby transforming them into a catastrophic chain of negative karmic events. I believe that the tape was ‘ The Devic Kingdom ‘ though ideally someone may care to verify this, as unfortunately right now I don’t have immediate access to either the audio tape or the CD version of the talk.

  6. Chrissie Blaze on February 9, 2021 at 4:45 pm

    Hi David:
    Yes indeed, you are correct. This prophecy about the configuration of Feb 4/5, 1962 was in The Devic Kingdom lecture by Dr. King. He said that this was the time that should have depicted the coming to Earth of a Great One.
    Thank you for bringing this up. That truly is a great lecture and is available on this website.

    • David on February 10, 2021 at 12:53 pm

      Thanks for checking and verifying Chrissie !

  7. Jeff on February 9, 2021 at 5:34 pm

    Why does our moon not have a proper name? Is it because we simply named it “The Moon” because we had no clue there were others at the time of naming it? Of course creatures alien to the human race must have more in the imagination department than to just call it moon. Mars has very charismatic names to the moons of Mars. Our moon is just plain old The Moon. What a sorry reflection on human creativity.

    • Chrissie Blaze on February 10, 2021 at 10:41 am

      Hi Jeff:
      I have no answer for that as I just don’t know. Personally I, I have no problem with the name because we all recognize it on this Earth, just as we recognize The Sun.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      • Jeff on February 10, 2021 at 11:52 am

        I understand. I found out why. It’s pretty funny. It’s because ancient Earth people used our moon to measure months. And the root of the word traces back to measurements. We didn’t know other moons existed and gave charismatic names to the things far from us while ignoring any dynamic name for our own. It proves an interesting point that mankind is more interested in far away concerns than right here at home.

        • Chrissie Blaze on February 11, 2021 at 4:00 pm

          Thank you, Jeff. That is an interesting observation. Perhaps the ancient Earth people thought that the Moon and Sun and visible planets were Gods, and worshipped them. Just a thought.


  8. Mark Alan Owens on February 9, 2021 at 10:32 pm

    Hi my name is Mark Alan owens. I’m quite intrigued with the dates. My birthday is February 11 1957. Had dreams of coming spacecraft and waiting for them, mid 1970s . And have been going through an amazing awakening the last three years, while being led to several dozen Chanellers. My dad also talked about aetherius society in 70s . But my timing was to really get in tune with aetherius the last 12 months!

    • Chrissie Blaze on February 11, 2021 at 4:12 pm

      Happy Birthday, Mark! May you have an inspiring and enlightening year ahead.

      That is so interesting that your Dad was talking about The Aetherius Society in the 1970s. t sounds as if the interesting experiences in your life have led you to this point. So glad to hear that and thank you for sharing.


  9. Sarah Bradbury on February 10, 2021 at 1:43 pm

    Thank you for a wonderful blog post Chrissie, very inspiring and a great call to all humanitarians!

  10. Chrissie Blaze on February 12, 2021 at 8:44 am

    Hi Sarah:
    I’m so glad you enjoyed the Blog. Thank you!

  11. Chris on February 18, 2021 at 10:17 pm

    Hi Chrissie
    Thank you!
    – Interesting astrological information on this stellium.
    – Another high energy day – 17 Feb 2021

    “The Master Aetherius stated that a special series of Power Transmissions would be given so that energies from the Planet Jupiter might be radiated to Earth in order to tend to counteract the modifications which terrestrial people have imposed upon the tremendous radiations which would come from the configuration of Planets on February 4th and 5th, 1962”

    “what you should have had in 1962 was the Next Master come to Earth – the energies were absolutely perfect for this.’ He was referring to how the mental energies of mankind are prone to warping the positive and beneficent energies of an auspicious planetary configuation, thereby transforming them into a catastrophic chain of negative karmic events”

    “This prophecy about the configuration of Feb 4/5, 1962 was in The Devic Kingdom lecture by Dr. King. He said that this was the time that should have depicted the coming to Earth of a Great One”

    “The greatest thing that holds us back from enlightenment is fear. Fear is a tool of the dark forces” “Fear is presently being engineered to control you, but fear is only generated by those who believe the lies through ignoring their inner truth”

    If only people would take the Teachings of Love, Bravery, and Service literally, and live them fully every moment of their life, with great humility, tolerance, kindness, and respect for all life.
    Spaceweather Station –
    “Minor cracks are opening in Earth’s magnetic field today, Feb 16th 2021. Solar wind is pouring through the gaps”
    – The Universe is founded on music and mathematics

    Love and Blessings

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