Change the world and

open the door

of Enlightenment


Discover the Spiritual Path of King Yoga

Audiobook Release

Biography Cover Image7OCT

New Audiobook - The King Who Came To Earth

We are very excited to inform you that the biography of Dr. George King has been released as an audiobook and is now available from Amazon Audible and Apple Books!

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Spiritual Experience Event

Breathing Spiritual Experience Event

Experience the Inner Peace of Yoga Breathing

November 16, 10am - 1pm

Aetherius Temple, London

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Spiritual Experience Event

Pranayama Workshop

Harness the Power of the Breath – Pranayama Workshop

November 2, 10am - 1pm

Los Angeles

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Book release

Maya Mire

Maya Mire - A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World

A new book from Paul Nugent, an International Director of The Aetherius Society.

Learn more

King Yoga – Spiritual Path of The Aetherius Society

Change the world and open the door of enlightenment

If you are a genuine seeker searching for truth, you can change the world and open the door of enlightenment through King Yoga.

King Yoga is the name we have given to the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society. The Aetherius Society was started in 1955 by Master of Yoga Dr. George King to spread and act upon unique cosmic teachings given to Earth by highly-evolved alien intelligences we refer to as Cosmic Masters.

Our purpose is to help as many people as possible to prepare themselves for the coming New Age. We do this mainly by radiating spiritual energy to improve world karma and raise global consciousness – often in direct cooperation with the Cosmic Masters. 

King Yoga is your opportunity to discover life-changing wisdom from other planets, ancient yogic practices that will help you realize your inner potential, and, most of all, powerful ways to uplift our world.

King Yoga enables you to live every day with greater meaning and purpose, selflessly serve others in the light of truth, and know that you are an aspect of God – because God is all!

The Quest for Spiritual Truth

If you are genuinely searching for spiritual truth, you know that an “ordinary” life will never be enough for you. You are looking for something more: real answers to fundamental questions about why we are here, what life is really about, and where we are going.

Perhaps you’re searching for the key to your spiritual destiny – your mission in life… 

Perhaps you feel a calling to help people – to make the world a better place – a calling to do something about the suffering of others, not just talk about it. 

But what?

Humanity as a whole is failing to solve the biggest challenges that we face on this planet: disease, poverty, violent crime, war, pollution, possible ecological collapse, and a lack of real leadership and collective vision.

We need a radically new – spiritual – understanding of ourselves and our living universe.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Operation Prayer Power at Lake Powell

Master of Yoga Dr. George King directs spiritual energy into a spiritual power battery at Lake Powell, USA, in 1973.

Dr. George King

It is said that when the student is ready the Master appears. This Master would serve as a source of truth, guidance and universal love; someone who can help us on our journey to God-realization. 

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of Yoga able to enter the highest state of consciousness attainable on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness, also known as nirvana or nirvikalpa samadhi

For about a decade he had devoted himself to the intense practice of yoga for an average of 8-10 hours per day. Not so much yoga for physical fitness, wellbeing or relaxation, but the higher forms of yoga – for the mastery of psychic abilities and ultimately enlightenment.

Dr. King believed, like it says in the ancient mystic Upanishads, that the greatest gift that anyone can give to anyone else is wisdom. And, conversely, that the greatest crime is to cause confusion by giving people the wrong teaching.  

For 43 years (1954-1997) he dedicated himself to his mission of helping the Mother Earth and helping humanity as a whole navigate this period of great change. This mission was in essence to spread, and act upon, the teachings of advanced alien intelligences known as the “Cosmic Masters”.

It is said that when the student is ready the Master appears. This Master would serve as a source of truth, guidance and universal love; someone who can help us on our journey to God-realization. 

Dr. George King (1919-1997) was a Master of Yoga able to enter the highest state of consciousness attainable on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness, also known as nirvana or nirvikalpa samadhi

For about a decade he had devoted himself to the intense practice of yoga for an average of 8-10 hours per day. Not so much yoga for physical fitness, wellbeing or relaxation, but the higher forms of yoga – for the mastery of psychic abilities and ultimately enlightenment...

Dr. King believed, like it says in the ancient mystic Upanishads, that the greatest gift that anyone can give to anyone else is wisdom. And, conversely, that the greatest crime is to cause confusion by giving people the wrong teaching.  

For 43 years (1954-1997) he dedicated himself to his mission of helping the Mother Earth and helping humanity as a whole navigate this period of great change. This mission was in essence to spread, and act upon, the teachings of advanced alien intelligences known as the “Cosmic Masters”.


Dr. King practiced the higher forms of yoga for an average of 8 to 10 hours a day for 10 years.

Dr. George King preparing for a Transmission

Dr. King in the Transmission Room at The American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society where he would enter samadhic trance so that the Cosmic Masters could speak through him.

Dr. George King on the radio

Dr. King in a radio studio in around 1960, giving one of his many interviews on TV and radio to help spread the message of the Cosmic Masters.

Dr. George King on Mt Ramshead

This photograph was taken on Mt. Ramshead, immediately after the mountain had been charged through Dr. King in Operation Starlight. The original negative shows an energy beam flowing down to Dr. King's head and shoulders.

The Cosmic Masters


The most spiritually advanced planet in this solar system is Saturn. The great masters of Saturn, who exist on a higher vibratory plane invisible to our current technology, work ceaselessly for the good of all life in the Solar System. Image credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute.

The Cosmic Masters come from civilizations, ancient beyond conception, which exist on higher planes of existence on other planets in our solar system. 

They are millions of years ahead of us technologically and spiritually, which means that they have evolved to a higher frequency of vibration as yet undetectable by terrestrial science. In other words, if NASA landed an astronaut on Mars tomorrow, for example, that astronaut would not see the intelligences who live there, unless those intelligences specifically chose to lower their vibration and make their presence known.

The Cosmic Masters are termed “Masters” because they have mastered themselves – they have made contact with the God-Spark within. This contact with their own Higher Selves gives them true wisdom and great spiritual powers, which they use to help others.

They have been helping humanity for thousands of years, and sometimes have even been born among us in terrestrial bodies. For example, the Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, St Peter, Confucius, Lao Zi and Moses, to name a few, were in fact extraterrestrial in origin.

They came here to give us spiritual teaching and perform certain other metaphysical tasks vital to the survival of our civilization on this planet.

In more recent times, the Cosmic Masters have used Dr. George King as a channel for their teachings to Earth. Dr. King was able to enter at will a trance state of meditation known as samadhi, enabling these beings to speak through him, giving hundreds of messages to our world.

The priceless, profound and practical wisdom of these extraterrestrial messages is available for you to experience, and judge, for yourself. 

You can read – or even listen to – these teachings, exactly as they were originally recorded and let them expand your consciousness, just as they have for thousands of other spiritual seekers. Even just hearing these teachings will change your vibration for the better – all you have to do is let them.

Using logic, intuitive realization (inner knowing), and sense perception (what you experience through your physical and psychic senses), you will be able to determine for yourself the genuine quality of these teachings. These are the ways to know something, which anyone can apply.

The New Age


In the New Age, our planet – the Mother Earth, a highly evolved conscious intelligence – will be changing with an intense quickening of vibration.

The Cosmic Masters have revealed profound, timeless truths about God and the living universe, describing our evolutionary journey through experience – and beyond Earth – back to God. 

Their messages offer hope to a world living on a knife-edge.

The Cosmic Masters have urged us to change – to selflessly serve others and realize the God-Spark within.

They have also revealed that our time is running out.

In the New Age, our planet – the Mother Earth, a highly evolved conscious intelligence – will be changing with an intense quickening of vibration. If we do not raise our vibrations to be in harmony with this change, we will no longer be able to live here.

It is for this reason that the Cosmic Masters, including Dr. King, have given us the most potent path on Earth to change the world and open the door of enlightenment: King Yoga.

The Aetherius Society and the Path of King Yoga

Truth - The Nine Freedoms

Reading from The Nine Freedoms – one of the most important sacred texts on Earth. 


Wisdom including real answers to the most fundamental questions about the meaning of life.


Practicing the pranayama yoga breathing exercises as taught by Dr. King.


Potent practices to develop yourself spiritually and attain God-realization.


Invoking spiritual energy to charge a spiritual power battery in Operation Prayer Power. 


Powerful ways of helping others – including, at the highest level, the most potent ways of changing the world in cooperation with the Cosmic Masters.

The Aetherius Society was started in 1955 by Dr. George King. Its main function is to help as many people as possible to change so that they can remain here on Earth in the New Age.

We do this by improving world karma and using spiritual energy to help others – often in direct cooperation with the Cosmic Masters.

The spiritual path of The Aetherius Society is now called King Yoga, in deference to Dr. King.

King Yoga has three main aspects:

Truth: wisdom including real answers to the most fundamental questions about the meaning of life.

Advancement: potent practices to develop yourself spiritually and attain God-realization.

Service: powerful ways of helping others – including, at the highest level, the most potent ways of changing the world in cooperation with the Cosmic Masters.


“Indeed, truth is the greatest and the most beautiful expression of God that you will ever find on this planet.” 

– Saint Goo-Ling, an Ascended Master, speaking through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King

The teachings given by, and through, Dr. King are in simple, concise, understandable language, and comprise the holiest and most complete body of spiritual teaching available on Earth.

Free from the outdated dogma of much of traditional religion, these teachings reveal our true cosmic history, the meaning of life and our spiritual destiny.

They serve as a guide – a manual for how to live a better life, and, most importantly, how to help others.

Dr. King said:

“The sages from the East have a profound philosophy which governs the student’s acceptance of all their teachings. It is: first, read the theory; second, apply this to the mind; and third, act upon that which is acceptable to the consciousness.”


“When you are ready, great enlightenment will come, an answer to all your problems will be revealed in such a way that you will become your own teacher, the student of your Higher Self.” 

Master of Yoga Dr. George King 

Logical thought is essential, but it cannot fully reveal to you the universal oneness of Divine Spirit – for that you have to go within and develop your own powers of intuitive realization. 

This journey within is the quest for God-realization: knowledge of what you are – of your Real Self – and of the very nature of God itself. 

There are many ways to go within, and all true spiritual practices will take you within to some degree. 

The spiritual practices taught by Dr. King are extremely powerful, but also very balanced. They will change you from the inside out so that you begin to experience a rise in consciousness. 

You can realize your own Divine potential – psychic powers, intuition, more potent spiritual healing abilities, and most important of all: wisdom.


“The greatest Yoga is – SERVICE. The greatest Religion is – SERVICE. The greatest act is that act done in – SERVICE… Serve – and you will become enlightened. Serve – and you will be practising true selfless Love.”

– Mars Sector 6, a Cosmic Master, speaking through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King

Dr. King described wisdom as “love in action” – and love in practical action is selfless service. 

You can use simple techniques to pray effectively and heal others by becoming a better channel for spiritual energy.

You can teach others about their own Divinity – not from blind faith, but from experience. 

You can help raise global consciousness and improve world karma – by cooperating directly with the Cosmic Masters in The Aetherius Society’s Cosmic Missions. 

In short: you can literally help to save the world and open the door to enlightenment!

Discover King Yoga for Yourself


Radiating spiritual energy from Mt Wakefield (New Zealand) – one of the 19 Holy Mountains charged in Operation Starlight.


Radiating spiritual energy for world peace and enlightenment. 


Giving spiritual healing to a patient using the King Technique. 

Most people are looking for happiness. The realization of your unique spiritual destiny will bring you something greater than happiness: spiritual fulfillment and lasting inner joy – your true heritage. 

King Yoga is an exciting, thriving, spiritual movement of like-minded seekers who are working together to prepare humanity for a New Age of lasting peace and enlightenment on Earth. 

King Yoga will help you to realize your inner potential and rise above negative conditioning, ignorance, and materialism. 

This is your opportunity to live every day with greater meaning and purpose, to serve others in the light of truth, and know – that you are a Spark of God!

I always realized we were here for something greater. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I thought it was materialism but that was just my ego. When I started to internalize the path to enlightenment, and the works of Dr. George King I knew this was it… I want to thank you with every fiber of my being. The path to enlightenment is everything my soul has ever desired from life.

– Richard, USA

All of the teachings resonate with my beliefs and focus... I’ve been searching and studying many different paths for TRUTH, and take comfort in knowing I have found it… I get the most joy out of helping others in any way I can, but mostly when I can help someone find enlightenment... I firmly believe the only way out of the darkness our planet is experiencing at this time is to send love and compassion out to the universe.

– Renee, USA

Introductory email series

Prefer to listen? Audio version included with each email

If you are interested in learning more about King Yoga, subscribe to our introductory email series – 17 days of spiritual wisdom that will change your life...!


  • Will I find spiritual truth? A tale of two seekers…
  • Why isn’t my life better?
  • Does God love me?
  • What happens after death?
  • Can I become a great Spiritual Master?
  • Do I need a spiritual guru?
  • How do I choose a spiritual guru?
  • What can I do to help the world?
  • Why aren’t my prayers always answered?
  • How can I become more spiritual?
  • Is it possible to communicate with people after they have died?
  • What is life like elsewhere in the universe?
  • Spiritual Aliens – why are they here? 
  • How can I raise my consciousness and change the world?


"I have thoroughly enjoyed the 17-day series you shared. It is an excellent introduction for those taking their first tentative steps... I love by the way, the term 'spiritual pioneers.'" – Marlene, UK

“I’ve found reading these emails has made a lot more sense to me than most things in life with regard to “what’s the point” of life... I’m finding reading and listening to the society’s history extremely interesting and there is a spark that is growing inside me spiritually that burns more brightly daily. Thank you for the opportunity to access the wonderful information that is made available...” – Christian, UK

"I would like to thank you for the great email series. It was unbelievable to learn so much from the great man Dr. George King..." – Jerry, USA

"Can I just say how interesting it has been reading the Aetherius emails this week, and learning about things I had never thought about. My view of creation has changed completely and I wonder about any lives we may have had and how we may have lived them... I look forward to the emails each and every day and read them continuously. Many thanks." – Ken, UK

You will receive your first email in the next few minutes. 

"I absolutely loved this series of emails . . . I looked forward to reading a new one each day. It was very informative and very thought-provoking. I plan on trying to pursue other means in gaining a greater knowledge of your teachings and will seek to participate as soon as possible in some of the prayer services . . . I wish to thank you once again for the opportunity of learning about your teachings and about the truths that you offer that really have expanded my views on spirituality."

– John, USA

I am forever grateful to learn the truth – nothing but the truth – from Dr. George King.

– Sonia, USA

I'm so glad I've found The Aetherius Society as it has a sense of 'coming home'.... I have started to become more spiritually aware and I have now reached the point where I want to find a deeper level of spirituality. I know my purpose here is to serve and I am happy that I can do this in so many ways....

– Jill, UK

Discovery Guides

Explore King Yoga – The Spiritual Path of The Aetherius Society


Discover more about meditation, kundalini and cosmic consciousness.

Service To Others

What can you do to change the world and open the door of Enlightenment?

God & The Meaning Of Life

What is God? Why we are here? Where we are going?

UFOs & Spiritual Aliens

Where do UFOs come from? Why are they here? What’s their message?

Prayer Energy

Prayer energy is a real power that you can use to bring about real change. 

The Mother Earth

Her vibrations are now rising. What does it mean for her – and our future?

Karma & Reincarnation

What is karma really about? How can you change yours for the better?

Intuition & Psychic Powers

Everybody has them. What can you do to unlock your own psychic powers?

Spiritual Healing

A simple technique you can learn to help yourself and others.


Discover more about meditation, kundalini and cosmic consciousness.

Service To Others

What can you do to change the world and open the door of Enlightenment?

God & The Meaning Of Life

What is God? Why we are here? Where we are going?

UFOs & Spiritual Aliens

Where do UFOs come from? Why are they here? What’s their message?

Prayer Energy

Prayer energy is a real power that you can use to bring about real change.

The Mother Earth

Her vibrations are now rising. What does it mean for her – and our future?

Karma & Reincarnation

What is karma really about? How can you change yours for the better?

Intuition & Psychic Powers

Everybody has them. What can you do to unlock your own psychic powers?

Spiritual Healing

A simple technique you can learn to help yourself and others.