God and the Meaning of Life
“When you really study the nature of all things, you can see that ALL LIFE is ONE. It is expressing itself in thousands of different ways in order to gain the essential experience of this terrestrial classroom. If you regard all life in this way, you will better understand your own particular tiny position in this great sea of life.”
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Karma and Reincarnation
How did you find this page? Did your intuition guide you here? Are you seeking answers about God and the meaning of life that go deeper than traditional religious dogma and beyond the limitations of contemporary science?
If so, you are certainly not alone in your quest and you have come to the right place!
People have searched for answers to the meaning of life for millennia, looking for ways to make sense of their own lives and the Universe around them.
Where did we come from? Why are we here? And where is it all going?
Without a deeper understanding of our own purpose, life can feel haphazard, empty, and even meaningless. Is there something more?
The quest for Enlightenment can give you a glimpse of God’s purpose for the whole of creation – and a deeper realization of your own personal spiritual destiny.
Read on to uncover the mystery of your own Divine potential – and the reason you are here!
The Divine Source is known by many names – God, Brahma, Great Spirit etc – and is described differently by different faiths. The name as such, does not matter. What matters is what “It” is.
Some religious teachings wrongly attribute basic, all-too-human flaws to their image of God – portraying God as a wrathful, jealous, vengeful being who smites his enemies.
But God is not an old man with a long white beard on a cloud who sends people he likes to eternal heaven and people he doesn’t to eternal hell, answering or ignoring prayers according to “his” whims.
God is not a “he” or a “she”, and is perhaps best referred to as “It”.
God does not favor one religion over another, the people of one country over another, one race, or even one gender over another.
These beliefs limit the real awe-inspiring greatness of God: the unmanifest, silent potential from which everything came in the beginning; the primal force of creation.
Dr. King told the following little story about the nature of reality:
“One of the students of the Lord Buddha said to him one day: ‘My Lord, what is reality?’ and the Lord Buddha didn’t answer.
“And he said, ‘My Lord, I ask you for a second time, what is reality?’
“And the Lord Buddha was still silent.
“And the student, getting a little bit annoyed by such treatment, said, ‘My Lord I ask you for a third time, tell me what is reality?’
“And the Lord Buddha said, ‘I have answered you twice.’”
The essence of reality is – Silence.
It cannot be fully described by anyone in any way, except – Silence!
Laozi said in the Dao De Jing: “The Dao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Dao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.”
In The Twelve Blessings, The Master Jesus describes God (the Absolute) in the following way revealing many profound truths about what God really is:
The Twelve Blessings
Discover more about The Twelve Blessings – a series of blessings offered to spiritual workers and great cosmic beings, incorporating profound wisdom – as well as some of the most beautiful prayers ever given to Earth. Read more.

God is all that there is – and even more than that. It is the creator of all things. It is the essence of all things – including you. God is all!
The beginning of creation
In the beginning there was nothing but the silent, motionless, unlit perfection of God.
God then chose to create the universe out of itself; to experience life as countless trillions of different lifestreams – the result of which is all creation as we know it.
This is known by the mystics as the great “out-breathing” – when individualized sparks of the Divine became “wrapped up” in matter.
This is the truth about how manifestation took place and the truth about what you are – in essence: a Spark of God. This Spark exists within all things. It is the purest, most spiritual part of you. In fact, it is the most real part of you.
In these simple, profound words, Master of Yoga Dr. George King describes the beginning of creation... and the journey through experience back to the “God-head” again.
Listen to the audio extract or read it below.
“In the beginning there was Silence.
“No movement.
“Just complete, immobile Silence. All pervasive. Omnipotent. Everywhere at the same time of the exact intensity was this Silence.
“But in the Silence was potential and that potential was God – or the Divine Creative Intelligence.
“When the Divine Creative Intelligence put into activation a certain power, called Divine Will, a picture was formed from mind substance – if you like to call it that.
“All manifestation, as we know it, is a result of the action of this Divine Will.
“You see, the Divine Will put an opposite force into Silence and immobility.
“The opposite force, of course, was movement and light and sound and ‘fire’, as we call it.
“The result of this opposing force brought a complete realization of potential and we are that realization.
“The Divine Source sent from itself particles of itself to be wrapped up in the matter that it had made, so that these particles may gain all experience and return back to the Godhead again as Conscious Gods.”
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Realize your own inner potential
Materialism dominates the way we are currently conditioned by the world around us.
Advertising is a classic example – at least the vast majority of it.
Little by little, this largely negative influence makes us believe that fulfillment lies in what is outside of us, not what is inside, and, as a result, we’re programmed to strive for materialistic things such as greater wealth, status and power.
Things such as wealth, status and power can be good, if used to help others, but they’re not at all what life is really about in and of themselves, and are damaging when used for selfish ends.
Life is about reaching upwards to spiritual truth; to our highest aspirations.
It is about turning inwards to the God Spark within each and every one of us.
It is about developing psychic and spiritual abilities – and eventually attaining Enlightenment.
And most importantly of all – it is about reaching outwards in selfless service to others: helping people in need and even changing the world.
What will you decide: to go with the tide of conditioning or to swim against it – to spiritual freedom?
One way to rise above conditioning is satsang. In brief this yoga term means: “being in the company of truth”.
This can take many forms – typically it means being with spiritual people, but it can mean anything that brings us into contact with spiritual truth, such as: studying spiritual wisdom, doing spiritual practices, contemplating alone in a holy place, and finding a genuine Spiritual Master – someone who has attained God-realization.
Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Master of Yoga Dr. King was a Spiritual Master. As a young man he practiced advanced forms of yoga for 8-10 hours per day for 10 years – all while living in London and working full-time jobs to pay his way. He wasn’t interested in having a lot of money, or a career. He was interested in knowing God.
He used to say that a teacher can give you Truth, but until you experience it for yourself, it’s still just theory. The role of a teacher is really to teach you to teach yourself; to help you to become the student of your own Higher Self.
Realize your own inner potential
Materialism dominates the way we are currently conditioned by the world around us.
Advertising is a classic example – at least the vast majority of it.
Little by little, this largely negative influence makes us believe that fulfilment lies in what is outside of us, not what is inside, and, as a result, we’re programmed to strive for materialistic things such as greater wealth, status and power.
Things such as wealth, status and power can be good, if used to help others, but they’re not at all what life is really about in and of themselves, and are damaging when used for selfish ends.
Life is about reaching upwards to spiritual truth; to our highest aspirations.
It is about turning inwards to the God Spark within each and every one of us.
It is about developing psychic and spiritual abilities – and eventually attaining Enlightenment.
And most importantly of all – it is about reaching outwards in selfless service to others: helping people in need and even changing the world.
What will you decide: to go with the tide of conditioning or to swim against it – to spiritual freedom?
One way to rise above conditioning is satsang. In brief this yoga term means: “being in the company of truth”.
This can take many forms – typically it means being with spiritual people, but it can mean anything that brings us into contact with spiritual truth, such as: studying spiritual wisdom, doing spiritual practices, contemplating alone in a holy place, and finding a genuine Spiritual Master – someone who has attained God-realization.
Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Master of Yoga Dr. King was a Spiritual Master. As a young man he practiced advanced forms of yoga for 8-10 hours per day for 10 years – all while living in London and working full-time jobs to pay his way. He wasn’t interested in having a lot of money, or a career. He was interested in knowing God.
He used to say that a teacher can give you Truth, but until you experience it for yourself, it’s still just theory. The role of a teacher is really to teach you to teach yourself; to help you to become the student of your own Higher Self.
Listen to the audio extract or read it below.
Reading helps you, studying helps you, most certainly. But to really become a knower is something above this stage; is to have the practical experience of these things.
I might turn around and tell you that the most wonderful sound on Earth is the sound made by molecules of material rubbing together in trees and grass and flowers when they grow; that this sound is like a great, natural symphony.
I’ve experienced this. I know what it is. This is a part of Cosmic Consciousness. But my words are still only words to you – as yet. They’re words which help.
Do you see? I’m trying to point out the difference between a man and a “knower”. You then know and a million words can’t convince you otherwise, because you know....
Some of you might consider that I am a teacher. All I can do is to give you theory. I can tell you what I have experienced, and I can also tell you very accurately what you will experience, but until you experience it, it is theory. So, therefore, go ahead into practical application of these things.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'Lecture on the Fifth Freedom'
Here is what Dr. King had to say about God’s purpose for the whole of creation and your spiritual destiny...
Imagine a radiant, angelic Being, clothed in the dazzling white robes of purity, riding in a chariot pulled by two strong, fleet horses through the golden gates of a magnificent Temple.
This angelic Being, beautiful beyond all description, is symbolic of the Spark of Divinity within you — the Spirit.
The will he exerts, through his hands, over his horses represents the part played by your Soul.
His guiding hands, your mind, and the powerful horses, Prana.
While the chariot symbolises your physical body and the Temple, his destination, represents God, which is the eventual destination of every Soul.
— Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Contact Your Higher Self Through Yoga
We are all on a journey back to God – this Source from which we all came.
This “journey” is the gradual realization that we are all aspects of God.
This is known as the great “in-breathing” – a consequence of the great “out-breathing” – when all things evolve back to the Divine Source from which they came in the beginning, and become conscious of all experience.
In other words, the whole of creation is life expressing itself in countless trillions of different ways, in order to gain experience, evolve and make the journey back to its Source.
This is God’s purpose for the whole of creation: for "this", the manifested universe, to know "That", the Source from which it came.
How does this relate to your own spiritual destiny?
Spiritual evolution
Every action of which man is capable leads eventually to this one single goal, for despite and because of our greatest thoughts and aspirations and imaginations and meditations, the overriding principle which governs all life in creation is the power which brought that creation into being.
No part can be greater than the whole. The whole is God. God as the whole is greater than any part of that whole. All life came originally from the one outpouring.
As God is the whole and the one outpouring, therefore, all life is part of this and as part of this has but one mission through experience, that is to realise fully its Divine beginning and return to it.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King
Some people say that we are born, we go to school, we work and we die, and that our lives have no real meaning or purpose at all.
Others say it’s up to us to create a life that means something – through the work we do, the relationships we have and the things we achieve, which will, hopefully, make the world a better place.
What do you believe?
According to Dr. King, the purpose of our life is to evolve spiritually. By learning the lessons that experience can teach us, we can achieve mastery over experience. This is not about material success, or even relationships per se; it is about attaining wisdom.
Hence, the more effort you make to evolve spiritually, the more you will manifest the Spark of God within you. In this way you will better reflect its supreme perfection in the way you live your life – most of all by helping others as an expression of selfless love.
More and more, the radiant light of your Divine essence will shine forth for everyone to see.
The Soul of man is as a bright light which has been covered by numerous different colored materials. The light which now shines from the Soul, through the thought and action of man, is a different color from the pure radiance which is the Source. As he strips limitations from himself, or layers of material from this light, so it changes color with each one taken off and it gradually becomes brighter and purer, until there will come a time when it will shine with its original, unadulterated, white radiance through all his thoughts and actions. At this time, man will be much nearer to God than he is at present.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, The Nine Freedoms
Manifesting your life purpose
What does this actually mean for your own life purpose? What do you actually need to do to realize your Divinity – to go back to that Divine potential?
The key to your spiritual evolution is raising the mystical power we all have at the base of the spine known as “Kundalini”. This is sometimes referred to as the "Serpent Power" and depicted in yoga teachings as a three and a half coiled serpent.
Life is about learning to control this power – raising it in its entirety up a channel in the spine called "sushumna", from the base of your spine to the Brahma chakra at the top of your head.
Literally everything that we do is just an aspect of this journey, which unfolds over many lives.
Listen to the audio extract or read it below.
I’ve told you this before. Over and over and over again I’ve told you this—only one reason man is on Earth. There are not two. There’s one.
That’s to evolve, and there’s one sure way to do it. There’s not two. There’s one.
And it’s simply said. It’ll take you hundreds of lives to do, but it’s simply said.
That is: controlling spiritual energy. And you can start by controlling the spiritual energy within yourself, and bombarding the atom, the Kundalini [the mystical source of consciousness], at the base of the spine, raise Kundalini, manipulate it properly, and leave Earth. That’s the only reason you’re here.
Not two. One. And that’s it.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'The Spiritual Energy Crisis'
Raising Kundalini leads to psychic and spiritual powers, Enlightenment and Cosmic Consciousness.
It is the difference between an ordinary person and an extraordinary one; between the person you believe yourself to be and the one that the Universe already knows that you are.
Listen to the audio extract or read it below.
Supposing that the Kundalini within your spine, instead of radiating for thousands of years or even millions of years—which it will in one way or another, either in the physical or subtle spines—supposing the energy is released at once; and—unlike the hydrogen bomb which is uncontrolled—supposing it’s released and controlled: what happens?
Jesus, Buddha, Sankara, Patanjali, Confucius, and so on and so on and so on.
That’s what happens. The few Great Ones standing, towering, above the majority of mankind like Mount Everest would tower above a desert if it was on it—millions of years ahead of the masses. The few.
The difference? A split up of these atoms and the control of the resultant power release. When I said you’re here for this reason, I meant it. It’s not a conclusion I’ve arrived at in two minutes. I’ve studied many, many years to come to that conclusion, and it is a result of meditation—not theory, but true experience.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'The Psychic Centers – Their Significance and Development'
Complete control over Kundalini is the result of mastering all that there is to learn in the classroom of experience called “Earth”.
When we reach this point, we are ready for the initiation of Ascension. Though this achievement takes many lives of effort, it is definitely possible.
Dr. King did it. Every Ascended Master on Earth has done it. You can do it, and, one day, you will do it – because it is your destiny to do it! Who knows how many lives you have already worked in this direction.
Kundalini is not without its dangers, of course, so we should always treat it with due caution and reverence, but, learning to control this power is, nevertheless, our destiny – and our only reason for being here.
That said, what do you actually need to DO to raise the Kundalini – without the dangers attached to doing this?
This remarkable book reveals the secrets of mastering the wheel of rebirth on Earth – leading to Ascension and even beyond. It is a manual for your spiritual evolution.
Listen to one of the greatest appeals for spiritual action ever given to this world, telling us of our Divinity and urging us to let this truth manifest within ourselves.
This simple and complete series of ancient yoga breathing practices put together by Dr. George King is a powerful way to speed up your journey to Enlightenment.

Radiating spiritual energy with Dynamic Prayer.

Giving contact spiritual healing using the King Technique.

Giving absent spiritual healing – radiating energy to someone.
The greatest Yoga is—SERVICE.
The greatest Religion is—SERVICE.
The greatest act is that act done in—SERVICE.
Kill possession. Transmute selfishness into SERVICE for others and your
reward will come. Enlightenment, like the break of dawn upon the darkest night, will cast the shadows of this night before it.Serve—and you will become Enlightened.
Serve—and you will be practising true selfless Love.
Serve—and the mighty Power of Kundalini will rise in natural,
unforced fashion and open the Chakra jewels in your higher bodies, in will pour inspiration and you will be standing on the verge of the Initiation into Adeptship.There are no words great enough to describe the wonder of—SERVICE.
– Mars Sector 6, ‘The Nine Freedoms’
Dr. King wasn’t just a teacher in his own right, he was also a channel for teachings given by enlightened beings from other worlds, like Mars Sector 6.
As far as they are concerned the best – and safest – way to raise the power of Kundalini is by helping others.
For thousands of years previously on Earth, the path to self-illumination meant retreating from the world in search of lasting freedom. No more.
Today, service is the path to spiritual evolution.
When you serve others without any thought of reward – as an expression of true, selfless love – you will cause a natural, unforced rise of Kundalini up your spine.
In other words, when you help others towards their spiritual evolution, it also helps you towards your own spiritual evolution – even though that isn’t your motive.
In the past, some yogis have tried to force this rise of Kundalini using extremely dangerous exercises, which were only advisable, if at all, under the direct supervision of a proven Master – and even then only for the most exceptional of students.
Selfless service, on the other hand, is something anyone can do.
There are countless ways to serve – donating to charity, aid-work, prayer, spiritual healing, medical work, and all kinds of selfless acts that help others in their evolutionary journey through life.
But what about our own inner work? Does it still have a place?
Is it more spiritual to do a lot of meditation or to help people in need?
It is more spiritual to help people in need, but going within is still essential if we want to be of the best possible service to others that we can.
Think of it like breathing: the in-breath (inspiration) is self-development and the out-breath (expiration) is service. You cannot achieve true success in one without the other.
Helping others to evolve is the only thing that really matters. Everything else, if it matters at all, only matters in so far as how it affects this one thing.
The great yogi Swami Vivekananda said:
This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.
The "Blissful Mother" Sri Anandamayi Ma said:
By doing service heart and mind are purified -- be convinced of this.
Swami Sivananda, another great yogi, said:
By doing service, you purify your heart. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, [the] idea of superiority vanish. Humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance, and mercy are developed. Sense of separateness is annihilated. Selfishness is eradicated. You get a broad outlook of life. You begin to feel oneness or unity of life. You develop a broad heart with broad, generous views. Eventually, you get Knowledge of the Self. You realize the 'One-in-all' and 'all-in-One'. You feel unbounded joy.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
– widely attributed to Mahatma Gandhi
The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.
Life should be chiefly service. Without that ideal, the intelligence that God has given you is not reaching out toward its goal.
The point is that nothing brings true, lasting fulfilment and freedom from suffering for ourselves and others except God: knowing God, loving God and serving God – by helping others as a natural expression of our own spiritual realization.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.:
“Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'”
King Yoga – Enlightenment Through World Service
You cannot now, at this moment, realize how happy you could be, if only you kept looking upwards, you kept your thoughts going upwards, you kept every atom of your power working upwards towards your own salvation.
And what is that salvation? That salvation, dear friends, is the direct—the direct, the complete, the whole realization—that within you is the Spark of God, Itself!
– The Master Aetherius, Cosmic Voice – Volume 1
Is there any greater joy than playing your part to make the world a better place?
Or any greater sense of purpose than realizing your spiritual destiny?
King Yoga is a spiritual path for genuine seekers searching for truth and a way to change the world for the better. It was named in honor of Dr. King, after his passing.
Why is it relevant today?
Humanity is overwhelmed with challenges.
Politics, economics, and war cannot bring lasting peace and Enlightenment to our world. We need something radically different.
That’s where you come in.
Yes, God’s purpose for the whole of creation is to evolve, through experience, back to the Divine Source, from which all creation came in the beginning.
And your own life purpose is to raise Kundalini and achieve mastery over all experience on Earth, on your journey back to that Source.
But, if there’s one word which, in practical terms, describes what you actually need to do in your life in the light of this truth, that word is: service.
Even in the modern, materialistic hubbub of a city like London, Los Angeles, Delhi, Sydney or Tokyo, you too can realize your spiritual destiny of knowing God through a path of global spiritual service.

Explore Cosmic Wisdom: Sharing The Nine Freedoms – some of the most advanced spiritual teachings ever given to Earth and your guide through spiritual evolution to Enlightenment and beyond.

Advance yourself: Practicing the ancient yoga breathings put together by Dr. George King to help awaken your psychic abilities and speed up your journey to Enlightenment.

Give service to others: Using the Dynamic Prayer technique to radiate spiritual energy and help raise global consciousness.
Explore cosmic wisdom
Follow the wisdom of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters through King Yoga to better navigate your own personal journey through experience back to God. Discover more about the root of our problems on Earth and how to solve them.
Advance yourself
Do the spiritual practices to accelerate your journey within and realize your inner potential.
Give service to others
Use your greater wisdom and psychic abilities to help others – especially the world as a whole.
God-realization is not a myth of Eastern mystical thought. When you do these things you will evolve. You will become increasingly aware of not only your Divine nature but also of the Divine nature of all things.
You will begin to know that God is ALL, including YOU.
You will discover the true meaning of life!
Email Series – Another step closer to the Spark of God within you
Subscribe to our 8-day series sharing the wisdom of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters, and take another step closer to the Spark of God within you.
Each daily experience is about 10 minutes. It includes a practice you can try and a contemplation you can do on a spiritual text taken from the works of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters.
Use it to start your own daily spiritual practice of going within, or, if you already have a daily practice, why not make these profound contemplations a part of it?
- Email 1: Becoming still
- Email 2: The Beginning and End of the Universe
- Email 3: The journey to Spiritual Freedom
- Email 4: Discover your Divine nature
- Email 5: How to be wise
- Email 6: Real L-O-V-E
- Email 7: What does “being spiritual” really mean?
- Email 8: What next?
You will receive your first email in the next few minutes.