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Religion is the answer!

Religion is the answer

Religion of the future will be free from lies and dogma. It will teach people in simple, understandable language about the unchangeable laws of God. It will teach people how to be still and seek the God within. And, it will teach people what they can do to help others to evolve towards God-realization.

In the following extracts from a profound spiritual message given to us by the Master Aetherius on January 8th 1955, through the trance mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr George King, we are told that the revelation of spiritual truth throughout our world is essential – and that is up to us to do this.

In fact, the Master Aetherius goes as far as to say, surprising though it may sound, that “religion is the one method which has not been tried by Terra [Earth], yet it is the only method that can really succeed.” Not religion as we generally know it of course – but something altogether much, much greater…!

The Master Aetherius:

“My Advisors, who have travelled your Earth quite a bit, tell me that many religious leaders in the Western regions of Terra actually know of the existence of the Law of Re-incarnation. Those people who know of these things and yet are not prepared to teach them, are guilty of a foul crime—a subtle one admittedly, but nevertheless a major crime. You have been told through countless ages that the greatest gift you can give to another man is to teach him how to reach up to that thing you call God. So, therefore, these people are lacking in their duty to their followers and to the world as a whole.

“The time will have to come when the Western religious leaders and teachers will have to take from Oriental teachers certain things which are acceptable to them and put them into practice. Theory is no good without practice; what good is it? It is useless. So our message to your religious leaders throughout the Western world is to be prepared to introduce into your teachings, Truths about Re-incarnation, so that you can give your followers a better, truer and more understandable picture of the Law which is God.

“If you leaders try to wrap this up, to hide it beneath a bushel, then you must be prepared to give up your positions to those people who are braver. The coming age demands bravery in all respects. I tell you this: no man or woman can realise One-ness without bravery. So all religious leaders must be brave enough to break away from the dogma which is only a small part of the Truth and be prepared to use the best which comes out of the East so that it can be practised in the West. The theory of the East and practice of the West is the perfect union; that is what we are trying to bring about in the New Age. We are trying to get the major factors in the West to put into practise the Ancient wisdom which dawns with the rising Sun…

“The time has come when certain cherished foundations must be torn up by the roots and cast onto the fire of discriminating Truth to be transmuted. The religious leaders of Terra have this responsibility in the coming age. Your Bible has to be re-written. It has to contain more of the Truth in a more understandable way than it does at present.

“It is the age of science. The greatest science upon this or any other Earth is the study of God. The greatest science upon this or any other Earth is religion. What greater study can there be? Knowledge of the real governing unchanging Laws brings man freedom from ignorance, freedom from want, freedom from disease, freedom from pain, freedom from the horrors of war, freedom from the baser aspects of his own mind and freedom from the prison created by materialistic accumulation—the most subtle prison of all. This is the only thing that will bring these freedoms. There is no other way to get them.

“If the Law of Re-incarnation was studied first and taught properly afterwards, then you would see war gradually die out on this Planet. A man would not go to war if he thought he may be killing someone who has been his own brother, his own blood relation, in a past life. The love of God, that some of you talk about so freely, can be made to live, can be made a vital existing thing upon Terra by the correct teaching of the basic Laws.

“I would say here and now that the religious teachers who are in high positions are doing themselves not only great injustice, but great personal harm. No, I would go further than that; I would say they are doing the world a great harm by withholding this most essential teaching at this time. So much Light is being poured upon this Earth that this Light will penetrate into the darkest corners of the mysterious archives and will cause these to be revealed to man. If the religious leaders were to reveal these now, in the correct way, they would keep their followings, they could fill their churches with people who wanted to go and pray for their brothers.

“If they do not reveal these things now, then these things will be revealed by other Leaders who will empty the churches throughout the world. They will have meetings upon the tops of hills and in barns.

“We feel rather strongly about this, because religion is the one method which has not been tried by Terra, yet it is the only method that can really succeed. By religion I do not mean dogma, I mean the real teachings of the Law. Not those foolish things made by man but the Laws laid down by the Great Architect of the Galactic System; Laws which are immutable and unchangeable and whether you agree with them or not, you have to accept them and abide by them. Any deviation from the path laid down by these Laws has its repercussions upon those people who deviate. There is no doubt at all about this.

“You see, we believe, after a certain study of Terra, that if your religious leaders took a brave step forward into the light of the New Age, they could bring about a great rise in consciousness which could put your people above such useless things as war, could rule out famine and alter the educational system of your world, could transmute your present-day economic system up to a place of brotherly subsistence.

“It is essential that all of you who are willing to follow, must try in your little way to get this type of message over to your religious leaders. If it does not do any good, then at least you have tried; you can detach yourselves from the result, but do not belittle your own ability in this respect. If you go forward armed with the sword of Real Truth—not the Truth you like to pick from Truth, but the whole Truth whether you like it or not—armed with this weapon whole worlds will tremble before you, even though you may not be aware of the fact. If it comes to a battle between good and bad, good will always win; it always has and it always will. Although bad is appearing to win, it is only because there is an allowance in the Law made for this appearance. Meditate on these words—for this appearance.

“The time has now come when terrestrial man must recognise the fact that he is beginning the journey back out of the coarse matter of materialism to the Love which is God. How better can this be accomplished than by right teachings from religious leaders, throughout the world.

“The new Avatar, who has not yet come to Earth but will shortly do so, will teach these things. You can imagine the battle He will have when the time comes. Some of your followers, like the Mental Channel who is tuning into my emanations, have been chosen to go forward to form an outpost, so that the way may be prepared. If you push your wedge of Light into the darkness, it will prepare the way for that which is to come, rather like a snowplough going first and a big food lorry following along afterwards. You see, the food would never reach the people if the snowplough had not prepared the way; so it is with Spiritual things.”

“In conclusion, therefore, I must say that we have this message for the religious leaders of Terra in the coming age.

“You must put forward correctly, truthfully, without alteration or adulteration, the teachings of Re-incarnation. If you fail, then your own communities will displace you. You will be displaced by what you may term unorthodox teachers who will arise. These unorthodox teachers will not need great churches or cathedrals for they will meet under the blue dome of Heaven and raise their voices to the trees. And I say unto you, that all the world will hear them. They will make far more commotion than do your church bells make on a Sunday morning!

“The time has come when we feel that it is essential that these things should be brought to the notice of you religious leaders. Each one of you has responsibility for the position of the world at the present time and none of you can divorce yourselves from this responsibility. The responsibility of the ordinary man, grave as it is, is not as grave as the responsibility of you religious leaders. Act upon this, realise it, execute your responsibilities properly, or evolution will displace you!”

This extract was taken from Chapter 11 of the book You Are Responsible.

All the blogposts written for are written by experienced Aetherius Society personnel and approach themes relating to the teachings, practices and ideals of the Society. However, they also contain personal opinions, insights and interpretations that are not necessarily representative of the Society as a whole, or all of its Members as individuals.

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  1. Mollie Eilean Entwisle on November 13, 2018 at 3:36 am

    These words of the great Master Aetherius should be called from the top of Westminster Abbey, St. Pauls, the Vatican, the majestic mosque of Jerusalem, the synagogues around the globe: wherever people gather to find the God within. God bless the Master Aetherius.

    • Darren on November 13, 2018 at 8:31 am

      One day, they will.

    • Peter on November 15, 2018 at 6:25 am

      Yes and they should also broadcast it on Youtube Facebook Mixlr and the rest when they do it too. :O)

      • Darren on November 15, 2018 at 1:47 pm


  2. Chris on November 13, 2018 at 8:53 am

    Thank you for this great message!

    “The new Avatar, who has not yet come to Earth but will shortly do so, will teach these things. You can imagine the battle He will have when the time comes. Some of your followers, like the Mental Channel who is tuning into my emanations, have been chosen to go forward to form an outpost, so that the way may be prepared”

    Does this mean that the Masters teach your members, and then your members, or anyone studying and practising your teachings, have to teach the world by word and example? Do the Masters, therefore, rely on ordinary humans to spread the teachings to the whole world? Does that feel like a huge responsibility? Would you say that your global teaching mission was getting more urgent today, and more difficult to do today?

    Pope Francis has spoken out about caring for the planet. Please see –
    The Pope states that harming the planet and the environment is a sin and a crime.

    How would he react to your Teachings on reincarnation etc? Do any religious leaders react favourably when you offer them your teachings on reincarnation etc?

    We are told that Maldek, Lemuria, and Atlantis were destroyed by nuclear weapons.

    This present age could easily be destroyed by pollution.

    Up to 50,000 species annually are made extinct by man! There is nothing in Nature which isn’t sacred, because it is all from the Creator. Just one species reduced in numbers or made extinct can have a great negative impact on the balance and health of the whole, just as removing one cell or organ from the human body can cause disease and death.

    Up to 50,000 species annually are made extinct by man’s pollution. Fear, guilt, ego and denial etc instantly arise when hearing this shocking news. We need to react with love, forgiveness, self-forgiveness, bravery, action, prayer, humility, communication and cooperation, instead.

    Should we fear the facts more than what will happen if we close the heart and mind and are silent and inactive?

    Thousands of people are severely affected by the massive forest fires in California in US, and in other countries, caused, not by heat and drought, but by pollution, which kills trees, turning them into tinder. (Trees near water die first due to concentrated pollution levels). No trees, means no eco-system, means no life. Water, which is unique and is vital to all life, is polluted with chemicals, radiation, GM, nano, and negative energies.

    Trees have survived heat, drought, disease, fungi, the industrial age, and the nuclear age, but cannot survive the current weird combination of pollutants which are cumulative.

    Please help by urgently praying for trees and forests in particular and to dedicate your next 12 Blessings Services to trees and forests and their devas. Billions of trees have been killed by pollution, and its rising exponentially. Nature, which includes us, will have to quickly adapt on a cellular and energetic level to survive. 50,000 species a year have been unable to.

    Please could you urgently add trees and forests to your absent healing lists? This will help trees, humans (including human health and level of consciousness), the environment, Masters, Devas, the Mother Earth, and all lifestreams.

    Trees store vast knowledge, wisdom and spiritual energies from the universe and ground them. They are dying also due to a lack of appreciation.

    It’s too late to keep quiet about and not pray about and not take urgent action over this huge shocking problem. Thank you.

    “It is essential that all of you who are willing to follow, must try in your little way to get this type of message over to your religious leaders. If it does not do any good, then at least you have tried; you can detach yourselves from the result, but do not belittle your own ability in this respect. If you go forward armed with the sword of Real Truth—not the Truth you like to pick from Truth, but the whole Truth whether you like it or not”

    • Darren on November 14, 2018 at 12:45 pm

      Hi Chris,
      Thanks for writing.

      You asked: “Does this mean that the Masters teach your members, and then your members, or anyone studying and practising your teachings, have to teach the world by word and example?”

      >> The Cosmic Masters have given their teachings to mankind as a whole, and it is the responsibility of everybody on Earth to act in the light of Truth. As Dr King said: “The sages from the East have a profound philosophy which governs the student’s acceptance of all their teachings. It is: first, read the theory; second, apply this to the mind; and third, act upon that which is acceptable to the consciousness.”

      You asked: “Do the Masters, therefore, rely on ordinary humans to spread the teachings to the whole world? Does that feel like a huge responsibility?”

      >> We are all responsible. Some people accept responsibility. Some people reject responsibility. Giving spiritual teaching is always a big responsibility. As Dr King said: “According to the ancient mystic Upanishads the greatest gift that one man can give to another is – Wisdom. As this is so, then the greatest crime that a man can commit is to give that which is not wise, or cause confusion in the minds of people by giving them the wrong teachings… ”.

      You asked: “Would you say that your global teaching mission was getting more urgent today, and more difficult to do today?”

      >> Yes, I think that correct spiritual teaching is getting more urgent and that is why previously secret teachings are so much more available than they have ever been before in recent history.

      You asked: “How would he react to your Teachings on reincarnation etc? Do any religious leaders react favourably when you offer them your teachings on reincarnation etc?”

      >> You’d have to ask the Pope! But I think it’s clear what the Cosmic Masters are asking people in his position to do: tell the Truth. Bear in mind The Aetherius Society did not invent or introduce the concept of Karma and Reincarnation. For example, it was deliberately struck from the Bible in 533 AD by the Ecumenical Council, championed by the Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora, when they declared belief in reincarnation to be a heresy.

      I agree that environmental pollution is a major crisis. Thank you for your suggestion for the Twelve Blessings services, which I will share with the Ministers.


      • Frazer on November 19, 2018 at 4:36 am

        I get a cold feeling that we are literally fighting for the survival of mother earth and as before we are nearing total destruction once again. Btw I really liked the blog, stay blessed bro

  3. Fernando Silva on November 13, 2018 at 10:20 am

    The creator is not religious.

    I DISAGREE that religion is the future – and that Religion is the answer!

    In the near future I hope that the whole religion of the world is replaced by universal spirituality – The Brotherhood of Man.

    From the more remote times until today the planet had about 3000 registered gods on earth to play with human chess. Wars between gods and archons & demiurge egos that caused the fall of man was hiding from the human being that we are gods – The wars were fed by the gods and human karma was always increased.

    I am God – and co-create with the CREATOR.

    Religion is full of lies and dogma. Religion was created by negative dimensional entities that with dogmas and false truths – we create energy that feeds bloodthirsty thirst. . of these entities and I do not give my POWER to anyone nor feed you with the energy of my thought
    Through my higher self, my innate and inner God – I will merge with the Divine Spark Primordial.

    We do not need Religion at all – we need the Brotherhood of Man and the connection to the Creator by universal spirituality – we will be link with Coalescent Consciousness.

    The Creator does not take sides from the West or the East. The creator supplements the Self with the Divine Spark that vibrates everything, As its primary scope the dissemination of a vast set of timeless, immortal and universal principles that proposes a viable action plan for:

    • The awakening of Man;
    • Expansion of the Individualized Consciousness and in turn the Collective Consciousness;
    • Unification between science and spirituality;
    • The healing of the BEING as a Whole;

    The Creator and I – We are ONE

    • Darren on November 14, 2018 at 12:10 pm

      Hi Fernando,

      Thanks for writing. It is always good to have comments/conversation about the teachings.

      The universal spirituality you speak of is very much what the Master Aetherius is talking about, and a common theme of the teachings given by the Cosmic Masters like the Master Aetherius.

      The best thing I think would be to refer you to this post, which describes what the Master Aetherius means by “Religion” – a world away from the suffocating lies and dogma on Earth:

      I feel sure that you will find it extremely inspiring.



  4. Yomi Oduguwa on November 14, 2018 at 11:14 am

    ‘ These unorthodox teachers will not need great churches or cathedrals ………………………..
    They will make far more commotion than do your church bells on a Sunday morning !’
    I plan to be one of these unorthodox teachers who will declare the deeper esoteric truths contained in that much misunderstood mystical book called the Bible.
    It shall happen!!!

    • Darren on November 14, 2018 at 12:46 pm

      Fantastic! May you blessed with continued inspiration and bravery in your spiritual work Yomi.

  5. Frazer McEwen on November 16, 2018 at 6:51 am

    Thank you, at last I have connected with real people, the only way out of this 3Rd density social memory complex is through this new religion, slowly surely as the planet evolves it’s people evolve with it. Bless you Al.

    • Darren on November 16, 2018 at 10:13 am

      Hi Frazer,
      A warm welcome to the Aetherius Society and the spiritual path of King Yoga!
      “slowly surely as the planet evolves it’s people evolve with it” >> As the Mother Earth releases more of the energy she has stored within her, it is my deepest hope that we evolve and go forward with her.
      Let me know how you get on with the email series. I’d love your feedback.
      [email protected]

  6. Frazer on November 18, 2018 at 9:19 am

    I feel so isolated in this social memory complex, are there others that understand???

    • Darren on November 18, 2018 at 3:25 pm

      Hi Frazer,
      Well in short, you are not alone. There are people who are seriously searching for Truth, and I think you will find many like minds in The Aetherius Society. My email is [email protected] if you’d like to talk – you are more than welcome.

  7. Arinze on November 18, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    The Words of Great Master is through but when will it be (Religion of the Future ) we need it now to change the world because is decaying fast than thought.

    • Darren on November 18, 2018 at 3:23 pm

      It is here right now! But it needs to be made to live by people like you choosing to act in the light of truth.
      – Study and share the spiritual truths that you find on this website with others
      – Practice The Twelve Blessings ( Give spiritual healing. Join in with Operation Prayer Power.
      – Do the spiritual practices taught by Dr King in Realize Your Inner Potential

      In this way you can raise your consciousness and the consciousness of humanity as a whole.


  8. Oscar on November 19, 2018 at 2:11 pm

    The whole of this Transmission by the Master Aetherius is found in Chapter 11 of the book “You Are Responsible”. In the book, the Transmission/Chapter is entitled “Religious Re-orientation”. Interesting the use of the word “Re-orientation”.

    • Darren on November 19, 2018 at 4:41 pm

      Yes! We need to completely redefine what religion is on Earth. This is the passage that struck me the most about this Transmission:

      “We feel rather strongly about this, because religion is the one method which has not been tried by Terra, yet it is the only method that can really succeed. By religion I do not mean dogma, I mean the real teachings of the Law.”

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