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With Mark Bennett

This controversial event will expose the myth of God as a judgemental old man on a cloud, to reveal the true consciousness-shifting Reality of God – which could hardly be more different.

For millennia our understanding of the true nature of God has been limited by primitive mythologies in which God is seen as an angry, whimsical being with cruel judgements, unfair favouritism, harsh punishments, and irrational rules and dictates. In other words: we human beings have created this perverse “God” in our own image.

The Reality of God is a truth that goes to the very heart of what the universe is – and why it exists. And to the very heart of what you are – and why you exist.

Presented by

Mark 330300

Mark Bennett

Mark is co-author of the award-winning title Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels and Prayer Energy, and an International Director of The Aetherius Society.


What is the King Yoga Experience?

The King Yoga Experience is for seekers of all backgrounds who wish to explore – and begin to experience for themselves – the life-changing spiritual path of King Yoga. 

King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. 

You don’t just believe in King Yoga – you experience King Yoga. This is not a metaphor – it is literally true. Experience, more than any debate or philosophy, will prove to you that King Yoga works. All you need is an open mind and a truth-seeking heart.

Tune in to one of our King Yoga Experience events held around the world and explore the profound spirituality of Dr. George King, the Cosmic Masters and King Yoga.

  • Simple guided practices to raise your consciousness
  • Discover the wisdom of Dr. King and the Cosmic Masters
  • Radiate spiritual energy for global healing
King Yoga Experience
King Yoga Experience

Date and Time

Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm BST


£5 (£4 for Members and Friends)

Contact us

020 7736 4187


The Aetherius Temple, 36 Kelvedon Road, London, SW6 5BW