Quotes on LOVE

Let your Love shine forth before you, throughout your Earth so that you might raise those who so badly need this!

The Master Jesus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

There is not a problem upon your world that cannot be solved by Love – itself – in its purity.

The Master Jesus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

Know ye, even in the time of your trial, you have not been forgotten. For the Love of wondrous God always surrounds you all. In the eyes of man, man is man – but in the eyes of God, man is BROTHER-GOD.

The Master Jesus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

In these days your love, which you can radiate from your hearts, if you transmute your basic emotion, can be a great balancing force in the world. Use it and bring balance, then you can preserve this balance and so play your more essential part in helping to save all lifestreams upon your planet from the degradation of involution.

Saint Goo-Ling
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

Look into your hearts and release your gentleness, so that this perfume might creep slowly but surely into the mind of man.

Saint Goo-Ling
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

The time has now come when terrestrial man must recognise the fact that he is beginning the journey back out of the coarse matter of materialism to the Love which is God.

The Master Aetherius
You Are Responsible!

Freedom from hate can only be brought into active manifestation by its exact opposite polarity. LOVE is the exact opposite from hate, when in basic manifestation.

Yet it is more than this – much more.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

If you people, this moment could have a hundred per cent faith in Truth, Light and Love, you could easily throw away all your weapons.

The Master Aetherius
You Are Responsible!

LOVE is the transmuter of war. It is the creator of peace.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

LOVE is more than a state of mind – it is a state of whole being.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

What is Wisdom? What else, dear friends, but Love – in action!

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 13

There is not a problem upon your world that cannot be solved by love – itself – in its purity. There is not a problem upon your world that cannot be solved by power, tempered by love – in its purity. There is not a heart upon your world, no matter how fierce it beats, which cannot be softened by love – in its purity. There is not a brain upon your world, no matter how clever or stupid it may appear that cannot be educated in wisdom by love and power – in their purity.

The Master Jesus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

Become enlightened, gain an understanding of the feelings and problems of all peoples and LOVE becomes a living, vibrant, all pervasive thing.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Love is an ardent belief in oneness.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Volume 1

All your Masters have told you that it is important – it is the MOST important thing – to love your neighbour as yourself. It is not right to hate yourself; neither is it right to hate your neighbour, for virtually when you hate yourself you hate your Creator, for you are a part of that Creator as well as a part of His Creation. So is your neighbour.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 8

Recommended listening

The Second Freedom Lecture – Love

The Second Freedom – Love

The Third Blessing Lecture – They Who Love

The Third Blessing – They Who Love