Waste not your time listening to the dictates of your conscious brain which is always seeking some type of excitement and different stimulation. Listen to your intuition which leads you through all the realms of spiritual practice and go forward into a bright – nay – a brilliant future.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

If you allow your discrimination to be born from the womb of intuition, you will not be steered wrongly.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

I know from experience, that within man lies a great potential which, if realised, is virtually so wondrous as to be beyond description. These things do I know. I have laid a case before you in the light of this knowledge. I do not ask you, dear friends, to do these things for my sake for it will not help me karmically whether you do them or not but I ask you, in the name of humanity, to do these things.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 22

From peace through turbulence to Wise Peace. That is your journey.

An Adept from Mars
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18

When a man looketh through his eyes, he seeth only the more basic reflection of the lesser life. When a man looketh through his Eye, he seeth not the reflection – but the Life – ITSELF. When a man looketh neither through his eyes nor through his Eye but through the Brahmic Principle, he seeth not the reflection nor the life but – THAT.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

Bravery, dispensation of pure love, service, these attributes can help the aspirant to bring ENLIGHTENMENT into being.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Oh! Brothers of Earth, you are the very Gods of this Earth. You are the very rulers of the heavens, if you would only realise the potential now dormant within you, at this very moment.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 14

Know this: ENLIGHTENMENT is Freedom from ignorance. Ignorance is the result of the complication devised by terrestrial man, therefore, ENLIGHTENMENT is simplicity.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Serve, manipulate your karmic pattern, then you will be allowed to walk through the dawn of ENLIGHTENMENT.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Remember – the journey towards spiritual enlightenment is hard and the road steep – and it lasts forever. But the goal eventually reached, lasts forever and forever!

Mars Sector 6
The Aetherius Society Newsletter – 1978, Volume 17; Issues 1 -4

Recommended reading

The Nine Freedoms

By Dr. George King

Recommended listening