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Payback time – 50 years of Operation Sunbeam

50 Years of Operation Sunbeam

On Saturday, September 24th, 2016 The Aetherius Society worldwide is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the start of the Cosmic Mission Operation Sunbeam.

This mission was devised by Dr. George King – the only spiritual master on Earth with the occult credentials and ability to put such a mission into action. The goal of the mission is simple: to give energy to the Mother Earth as a token repayment of the tremendous debt we owe her in allowing us to live here.

The spiritual energy used is of a very high quality, but the mission is nevertheless performed in large part by ordinary Earth people whose only motive is to express gratitude to the Earth as the living Goddess that she is. This makes it one of the greatest feats of karmic magic the world has ever seen – literally helping to save the surface of the planet from cataclysmic catastrophe.

Tune in to this hour-long discussion on Aetherius Radio Live between bestselling authors Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze – both of whom have first-hand experience of working with Dr. George King and actually helping to perform this holy Cosmic Mission.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

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  1. Debra Littleboy on September 24, 2016 at 5:02 am

    Thank-you Richard and Chrissie.

    I so enjoyed the last hour – now off to pray.

    Blessings and much love x

  2. Marie Norlen-Smith on September 24, 2016 at 12:39 pm

    Thank you Richard and Chrissie for an excellent and vital presentation of Celebrating 50 years of OPERATION SUNBEAM! His Eminence Sir George King and The Aetherius Society are now known by The Gods!
    Bless you,
    Marie Norlen-Smith, Sweden

  3. Cory Stuteville on February 22, 2019 at 7:16 am

    Great show. I am mesmerized.

    • Darren on February 23, 2019 at 5:10 am

      Great to hear, Cory. Nothing more awe-inspiring than Truth. Blessings, Darren

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