Blog/Podcast Archives: Richard Lawrence

#139 – A simple way to experience peace

Listen to the full episode: You can feel a deep sense of peace – we all have this potential. It can sometimes only take a couple of minutes after – or even during – a particularly busy or stressful day to drastically change your state…

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#138 – How to stop lies from ruling the world

Listen to the full episode: Truth has great power. And in an age of disinformation, lies and hidden agendas, some consider truth more important than ever. Whether it means telling someone a home truth essential for their wellbeing, or campaigning for a good cause to…

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The Aetherius Society Symbol – A Meditation

Yoga masters throughout the ages have accessed profound wisdom by attaining the highest states of meditation known as Samadhi. In late 1955, Master of Yoga Dr George King entered a deep state of meditation lasting for at least 65 hours in St. Mawes, Cornwall. During this meditation he devised…

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#137 – How to deal with people you find difficult

Listen to the full episode: We all have to deal with people we find difficult at times – whether it’s an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people…

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#136 – Tips about working with spirit guides

Listen to the full episode: Last month Richard was visited by a Buddhist Lama from the afterlife! It is another inspiring story of a contact with someone who has passed on and is now working in various ways to help people who are doing spiritual…

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Advanced Revelations by The Master Aetherius – never released before!

Did you know that as we become more conscious of our Divine natures we will experience seven states of being on our epic journey back to the God-head? No? Neither did I until very recently. In the 1950s, Master of Yoga Dr George King wrote…

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#135 – How to think about money

Listen to the full episode: Is money inherently evil? Does spending money make us materialistic? Is it always wrong to accumulate wealth? What is the role of money in our lives – especially when we’re on the spiritual path? In this week’s show, Richard addresses…

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#134 – Experiencing Timelessness

Listen to the full episode: When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week’s episode is about going deeper into the true…

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#133 – The search for a deeper understanding of evolution (part 2)

Listen to the full episode: This week we continue with the second instalment of our two-part show about spiritual evolution! Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading…

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The Master Jesus wants us to realize our Divinity – Part 2

Realizing the Divine power within us all would manifest heaven on Earth for all. A world free from violence, war, greed and disease can become our reality. The Master Jesus knew this. He anchored upon our world, some 2000 years ago, a pathway of wisdom to help…

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#132 – The search for a deeper understanding of evolution (part 1)

Listen to the full episode: Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even…

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#131 – The road to Ascension

Listen to the full episode: Contrary to a lot of the noise you may hear in the New Age Community, there is no shortcut to Ascension. No one graduates from the classroom called Earth with anything less than perfect marks: complete mastery over all experience…

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The Master Jesus wants us to realize our Divinity – Part 1

Realizing our Divinity is why we are on planet Earth — despite appearances to the contrary. This is the true essence of the great world religions, and the true message of spiritual leaders such as the Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, and the Master Jesus. They knew…

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#130 – Key to higher consciousness

Listen to the full episode: Lots of people talk about “raising consciousness”; sometimes our own consciousness, sometimes global consciousness. But what does it actually mean? Doesn’t it seem a bit vague? I am not generally a big fan of vague terms – because vagueness can give the…

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#129 – Finding your people

Listen to the full episode: Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult…

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How to prevent World War III

The world is in a dangerous state. With top officials talking about moving closer to a World War III, we can’t rely on politicians and the military to sort this out. So how can we prevent World War III? Join Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard…

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#128 – Truth Is.

Listen to the full episode: Many people talk about “their truth” as if there is no such thing as the truth.But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc.And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to find truth,…

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#127 – How to make a connection with a real spiritual master

Listen to the full episode: The relationship between Master and disciple is not like teacher and pupil at school.It is a form of magic.A metaphysical link is formed, through which the disciple can advance by the very presence of the Master.Even if the Master is…

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Reconnecting with your soul

Discover mind-expanding revelations throwing light on a misunderstood topic – reconnecting with your soul. In this episode of Aetherius Radio Live, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze explore what Master of Yoga Dr. George King described as “one of the most important revelations in the annals of…

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#126 – What is a genuine spiritual master really like?

Listen to the full episode: What is a genuine spiritual master really like? Richard spent more than 20 years working very closely with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – a man of extraordinary spiritual powers and wisdom. In this week’s show, Richard shares some…

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#125 – UFOs: ETs or secret tech?

Listen to the full episode: In spite of credible whistleblowers coming forward, and decades of earlier disclosure, there are still a lot of people who believe that genuine UFO sightings are evidence of secret government programs rather than extraterrestrial life. But can anyone really claim…

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#124 – An enlightened view on “sin”

Listen to the full episode: “Sin” is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal hell and damnation,…

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#123 – Doormat or doorway to Enlightenment?

Listen to the full episode: There is a wrong idea that service to others somehow involves subjugating yourself to others’ needs.Or that it means bending over backwards to accommodate people’s demands with some sort of robotic-like obedience.But service is about neither of those things.Service is…

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#122 – Can you pray to “God” for help?

Listen to the full episode: There are a lot of misconceptions and hangups that people can have about prayer – because of the way it is conventionally portrayed and performed by certain mainstream religions. In King Yoga prayer is about energy. It is based on…

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#121 – The truth behind the global conspiracy

Listen to the full episode: There are lots of people who talk about a sinister, power-hungry elite controlling our governments from behind the scenes. But there is no one, that I know of, who is talking about who these people really are – or where they are…

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#120 – Intelligent life in our Solar System?

Listen to the full episode: It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it. There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not as we know it – beyond our concept of…

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#119 – Do material things matter on the spiritual path?

Listen to the full episode: Do material things matter on the spiritual path? Is it “unspiritual” to think about money? Does that make you materialistic? For the genuine truth-seeker there are a lot of confusing messages about money, materialism and true spirituality. Let’s get some clarity!…

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Channeling is a science not a séance

What comes to mind when you think about someone channeling an intelligence from another realm of existence? Most people wouldn’t think about it as a science. But Master of Yoga Dr. George King did. That was just one of the things that set him apart…

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#118 – Israel-Hamas War – what’s the answer?

Listen to the full episode: This week we get right down to the biggest story in the news: the Israel-Hamas war. This war – like every war – affects every single one of us, because we are all part of a whole. And because we…

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#117 – What do dreams mean?

Listen to the full episode: Are dreams just a jumble of thoughts in our head? Or can they have meaning? Can they even be genuinely prophetic? Check out this week’s episode for a discussion about what happens when we dream and what you can do…

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