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Interview: Message from Mars Sector 6

Message from Mars Sector 6

This podcast originally appeared on

Why are we here?
Where did we come from?
What is the meaning of life?
What is Enlightenment? Can I become enlightened?

The Nine Freedoms answer all of these questions – and more.

The Nine Freedoms are a series of Cosmic Transmissions that reveal the secrets to mastering the wheel of rebirth on Earth – leading to Ascension and even beyond, to life on higher planes of other planets in this Solar System.

These Transmissions were given by a highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence known as Mars Sector 6, through Dr George King – one of the greatest mediums the world has ever known.

In this 60-minute interview with K-Town ( Richard Lawrence, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe and international bestselling author, answers some of the most pressing questions for anybody wanting to learn more about The Nine Freedoms and the spiritual teachings of The Aetherius Society, including:

  • Was Dr King the only medium in contact with space intelligences?
  • Why did they choose Dr King?
  • What have these space intelligences been trying to tell us?
  • Where did we come from before Earth?
  • What is the New Age really about?
  • Are there advanced beings on Earth right now who are helping us? How?
  • How can I manifest bravery and break away from this prison of fear and conditioning?
  • How can I work with love energy to help others in a real way?
  • What does service really mean and what can I do to help others in a spiritual way?

Don’t miss this fascinating interview!

Please note, for dates of the next Spiritual Push and what this means please refer to this page on our website. This year we will be hosting a new series of online Twelve Blessings services throughout the first week of each Spiritual Push, to give everyone even more opportunities to help raise the consciousness of humanity and advance toward their spiritual destiny!

We hope you are inspired by this interview! Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

For a more in depth explanation visit The Nine Freedoms website, which includes substantial extracts from the words of Mars Sector 6 and from Dr King’s commentaries.

The Nine Freedoms – Dr George King
The Nine Freedoms – Lectures in a multi-CD album – Dr George King
The Nine Freedoms – A multi-CD album of Cosmic Transmissions by Mars Sector 6

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  1. Paulette Gehrke on October 14, 2019 at 2:23 pm

    I am 52 years old and have been interested in and have tried to research a variety of subjects to explain why I all of a sudden feel so strongly about what’s next, what’s happened before and extraterrestrial influence on the human race. I talk about things with friends and they look at me strangely, but I cannot shake this. Coming across your podcast has been amazing and I am very interested in the 9 freedoms. There is so much to learn and am glad I happened upon this website. Thank you for what you do.

    • Darren on October 14, 2019 at 3:05 pm

      Hi Paulette,
      Thank you for writing and for sharing a little bit about your journey. It takes great courage to follow one’s intuition as you have done. The search for truth is not easy, but it does bring tremendous spiritual fulfilment when it is found – almost like “coming home”. Reading The Nine Freedoms is a consciousness-expanding experience in itself. Feel free to write anytime with questions or comments you wish to share. Blessings, Darren

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