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#4 – The benefits of psychic abilities

The Spiritual Freedom Show - Episode #4

Clairvoyance, psychic touch, psychic hearing – psychic abilities in general – are in fact all perfectly normal!

Having psychic abilities can make the world feel like a fuller, more liberating, and more exciting place to be. You’ll be able to do things you never thought were possible. And it starts with overcoming our fear of the unknown.

When we overcome our fear, we start to unleash our potential. One aspect of this potential is our intuition – contact with our Higher Self. Our Higher Self is never wrong, and the more we can tune in to it, and follow its guidance, the more we will succeed in realizing our unique spiritual destiny.

So the question is not whether or not you can become psychic – because everybody can. The question is “how” to develop these natural abilities, and, more importantly: “Why?”

Should you apply your latent abilities to further your own agenda? Should you reject them completely as evil? Or should you reject all abilities except those that you can use in service to others?

Being psychic is not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing in itself – it’s how you use it. And the best way we can use it is to help us become a better spiritual healer, a better teacher, a better counsellor etc. i.e. to help people more than we could do before.

Catch the fourth episode of the Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard Lawrence – as he shares his decades of experience cultivating his own intuition and psychic abilities, and teaching others to do the same.

Don’t miss:

  • How to test your intuition, with guidance and helpful tips for cultivating your own psychic abilities
  • A brief introduction to spiritual healing and how it can help you too in your own spiritual development
  • Ayub Malik’s “Moment of Truth:” his spiritual awakening and the many psychic experiences he started to have when he began to apply himself to the practices described in Realize Your Inner Potential
  • A practice led by Vivien Gibson that you can use to help heal friends and family, from anywhere, and sometimes even with miraculous results

Write to us! Do you have spiritual questions, or an experience with one of the practices from the show that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected]

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  1. Leonor R. Cadete on February 20, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Absolutely marvellous. Thank you, once more!

    • Darren Ball on February 20, 2021 at 3:50 pm

      Thanks for your support, Leonor! If you have a moment to leave us a review on your favourite podcast app so that we can spread the word I’d appreciate it!

  2. Sonia on February 21, 2021 at 6:50 am

    Amazing truth, I am very grateful and thankful to the Avatar Doctor Gorge King teaching through holy brother Jude had guided me how to heal others through services, I ‘ve Been experiencing alot of energy in my every single cells of my body vibrating daily, during relaxing resting at night or when I was in my mediation, the energy comes through constantly, I use to have anxiety and now is gone, my heart is full of love energy and have more understanding of how each person feels, I have more compassion in my heart for them, I will continue to do the service for the highest good of all for the rest of my being on earth, I thank you all for doing such fantastic services for the humanity, i thank you for the bible of 12 blessings and nine freedom, and more, such a magical, miracle books. 😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏💜💖💓💗

    • Darren Ball on February 21, 2021 at 12:59 pm

      Thank you, Sonia, for sharing how much this path has changed your life!

  3. Chrissie Blaze on February 21, 2021 at 10:06 am

    Thank you, Richard, for another excellent show!
    I have always been fascinated by the psychic world, even as a child and attended many public sessions with well-known psychics. I tracked down some of the most well-known mediums and some were genuine and quite good but I couldn’t find an explanation for what psychic ability really is and how to develop it. Several of even the more famous psychics just didn’t make any sense to me; the psychic world can be very confusing! I asked questions and was told that psychic ability is a gift, just in the same erroneous way that healing was presented at that time. I continued searching and was extremely fortunate to find the extraordinary Medium and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, The Aetherius Society and The Nine Freedoms. Suddenly everything fell into place as I recognized Truth. I also first met Richard at that time. He not only had natural psychic ability but I know that he worked really hard at developing his psychic and spiritual nature over many years.
    I just want to let listeners know that Richard is the real deal. I challenge anyone who has a genuine desire to unlock their spiritual and psychic potential to find a better and more genuine teacher alive today than Richard. He can lead you from the rampant confusion that still exists in the psychic world to the liberating truth about what psychic ability is and why it is so important for us all – especially at this time in our world.

    • Darren Ball on February 21, 2021 at 1:21 pm

      Hi Chrissie, I agree – we really do have so much to be grateful for in Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters. And as far as Richard, it goes without saying but I think it’s fantastic we have someone hosting the show of his calibre who can make these life-changing teachings more accessible to people than ever before, and teach from real experience about psychic abilities on the road to enlightenment. Best, Darren

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