Blog/Podcast Archives: Intuition and psychic powers

#136 – Tips about working with spirit guides

Listen to the full episode: Last month Richard was visited by a Buddhist Lama from the afterlife! It is another inspiring story of a contact with someone who has passed on and is now working in various ways to help people who are doing spiritual…

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Channeling is a science not a séance

What comes to mind when you think about someone channeling an intelligence from another realm of existence? Most people wouldn’t think about it as a science. But Master of Yoga Dr. George King did. That was just one of the things that set him apart…

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#117 – What do dreams mean?

Listen to the full episode: Are dreams just a jumble of thoughts in our head? Or can they have meaning? Can they even be genuinely prophetic? Check out this week’s episode for a discussion about what happens when we dream and what you can do…

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#116 – Psychic Powers for Spiritual Workers

Listen to the full episode: Psychic powers are something innate within us all. They are not a gift some people are born with and some people aren’t. Anyone can develop psychic powers – and the best reason to develop them is to do more to…

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#115 – What is psychic vision really like?

Listen to the full episode: Does clairvoyance (psychic vision) sound mysterious to you?All of the senses can be used psychically and psychic vision is just one of many psychic powers anyone can develop.So what is it really like to see something or someone psychically –…

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10 Ways Your Psychic Powers Can Help Others

Psychic powers are real.And you can have your own experiences that will prove this to you.The big question is what you should do with them.In the old yoga schools, students were often taught to completely detach from psychic powers in order to remain focused on…

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#114 – Psychic Powers: Fact vs Fiction

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  Is telepathy real?Is it possible to communicate with people after they have died – and even see them?Can people really levitate?Do psychic powers play a role in genius?There is still a lot…

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#113 – Want to be psychic?

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  Anyone can be psychic – it’s just a question of practice. If you want proof of whether psychic powers really exist, and what they’re like, the best way is to experience them…

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#112 – ET Contactees: Genuine, fake or simply deluded?

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  These days there are lots of psychic mediums who claim to be in contact with beings from other worlds – and even other star systems throughout our Galaxy. But how many are…

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#111 – Has Madame Blavatsky endorsed this show?

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  This week we have another fascinating communicator from the higher realms who is an admirer of The Nine Freedoms – no less than Madame Blavatsky! Madame Blavatsky was the founder of the…

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#110 – “I channeled Dante, Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon” (Part 2)

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  In 2013/14 Richard channeled a series of messages from three of the greatest names in world literature: Dante Alighieri, Leo Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon. Even more fascinating – each message was…

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#109 – “I channeled Dante, Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon” (Part 1)

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:    In 2015 Psychic News published a series of messages channeled by Richard from three of the greatest names in world literature: Dante Alighieri, Leo Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon. Even more…

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#92 – People from other planets

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  Lots of people identify as “starseeds” – souls from other planets who have incarnated here on Earth to help humanity in some way. But how many, if any, of them really are…

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#91 – Easter, Extraterrestrials and Karma

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  What if I told you that the Master Jesus was from another planet? That the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO? That Jesus’s main mission to Earth was to die – and…

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#90 – Who’s your Spirit Guide?

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video:  This week’s episode is about spirit guides!Even if you aren’t aware of yours, it doesn’t mean they’re not there and it doesn’t mean they’re not inspiring you.Richard has had many contacts with…

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#88 – The raw truth about channelled teachings

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video: There are lots of people who claim to be in telepathic contact with the Master Jesus or another advanced Master a higher plane of existence. The vast majority of these claims are false….

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#87 – You can prove psychic powers

Listen to the full episode: Watch the full episode as a video: This week Richard and I talk about psychic powers. For some people, psychic powers sound like magic or wishful thinking, and they have a hard time accepting that things like clairvoyance or mediumship…

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43 - 1200

#43 – The chakras are the journey (part 2)

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said that we are on Earth for one reason and one reason only: to learn to control the Kundalini – a mystical power located at the base of the spine.Last week Richard talked about the journey of consciousness we…

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Episode 42 - 1200

#42 – The chakras are the journey (part 1)

The journey of life can be expressed in a very simple way.It is the journey of consciousness through our psychic centers – our chakras – from the lowest, the base center, to the highest, the crown center.In this week’s episode: Discover more about what the Master…

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Three Knights in the Afterlife

Three Knights in the Afterlife

Dr. George King was an extraordinary medium who channelled many unique communicators. What made him extraordinary was that he was able to receive messages of a high spiritual calibre with almost unwavering accuracy. This was the result of the trance state he used; a trance…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show - Episode #4

#4 – The benefits of psychic abilities

Clairvoyance, psychic touch, psychic hearing – psychic abilities in general – are in fact all perfectly normal! Having psychic abilities can make the world feel like a fuller, more liberating, and more exciting place to be. You’ll be able to do things you never thought…

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Faith and spiritual experience

What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?

One of life’s oldest riddles is “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?” It might be easier to answer “What comes first: faith or spiritual experience?” To the latter of these questions I would have to say neither faith nor spiritual experience take precedent…

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Mediumship – Séance or Science?

From Séance to Science – How Dr King transformed mediumship

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many wonderful sacred texts around the world, but what we don’t have in most cases is: the voice. What would the authoritative metaphysical treatise of The Nine Freedoms be – without the commanding and powerful tone of…

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Faith and the power of affirmation

Faith and The Power of Affirmation

Some people find it difficult to have faith in themselves, in external things, or even in a higher power. These people may pride themselves on being realists. While realism is a good thing, this word may be used to hide a fear of reaching beyond…

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Mediumship – Séance or Science?

Mediumship – Séance or Science?

Most mediums are pretty vague about what exactly they do. They use a type of psychic condition, be it light or deep, and receive through some method, a message. This comes from an intelligence who is not physically incarnate and who might be good, bad…

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The gift of recognition - seeing through the 3rd eye

The Gift of Recognition

  The Master Jesus gave many of his greatest teachings in the form of parables. According to St. Matthew’s gospel (13:13) he did this “because they seeing see not.” He considered it necessary to illustrate his life-changing wisdom through stories in order for his audience…

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The Higher Self - your own personal superhero

The Higher Self – your own personal superhero

Three little pigs lost in the forest – a parable Once upon a time there were three little pigs – Bob, Patrick and Arthur. They were walking through a big forest and somehow they got separated. They had never been away from the farm before,…

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