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#55 – The Gods of the Gods – Part 2

The Gods of the Gods - Part 2

The other planets in our Solar System are teeming with intelligent life. Millions of years more spiritually evolved than us, these civilizations live on higher planes of existence that our science cannot yet detect.

No planetary civilization in this system is more advanced than the civilization on Saturn.

The Perfects of Saturn, as they are known to us, are the greatest intelligences on Saturn because of their nearness to Divine perfection. These 12 are responsible for the evolution and enlightenment of all life in our Solar System, and there is no one on any of the planets – except Earth – who does not defer to their greater wisdom.

In this week’s episode: Discover more about the feats of these Perfects and the practical lessons we can draw from their example for a better system of leadership on Earth.


Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms and what you can do to apply it in your quest to change the world and open the door of enlightenment. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

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  1. Vincent Adika on July 30, 2022 at 6:30 am

    This podcast is unfortunately
    beyond the comprehension of almost 98% of humanity. Until the mechanistic scientific mindsets of our mainstream science step-up to the plate, humanity evolution will remain in the doldrums for decades to come.
    However, am confident that a very significant change is on the way because of ” COVID19 “, which will cause re-evolution of mindsets throughout the world in every nation which will necessitate requisite changes for humanity ..spiritual evolution.

    • Darren Ball on July 30, 2022 at 12:52 pm

      Hi Vincent, it is definitely advanced, so we’d have to agree with you on that point, but I think all the more reason to celebrate all who have recognized these truths for the jewels that they are. I thought this was a particularly fitting quote from The Master Aetherius about The Nine Freedoms:

      “At this time, I would take the opportunity to remind you all that you have indeed received the most important teachings yet given to Terra. I refer, of course, to The Nine Freedoms. It may be some time before these are fully appreciated by your Earth, but they will live throughout the centuries and the older they become, the more potent they will seem and, with limitation, the more they will be adopted.

      “It is seldom throughout the history of Terra that such profound jewels of Wisdom are given openly. It was decided at this time that, being as it is, just prior to the Initiation of Terra, the jewels be scattered among the populace so that those ready may pick them from the dust of your literature. From the worthless chaff of numerous incorrect statements and untrue relation of experiences, The Nine Freedoms can be sorted as the true, living seeds of everlasting Wisdom which have been scattered among you.”
      – Cosmic Voice Issue 25, ‘The Nine Freedoms’


  2. Chrissie Blaze on July 30, 2022 at 7:37 am

    Thank you very much, Richard, for presenting such advanced concepts in the way you do. It is wonderful to hear Mars Sector 6, through a relatively few words, painting the vivid word picture that He does, such as…”a flame of everlasting inspiration”. How wonderful is that! Thanks for pointing out that if it wasn’t for our Master, we wouldn’t have the understanding we do. How on Earth can we really understand the great Lords of Saturn? But how amazing l it is to have this opportunity to stretch our minds and our hearts upwards to try to understand – and also to try to appreciate more fully – these Great Ones and what They mean to all of us in this solar system. Thank you, Richard and Darren, for the consistently fascinating Spiritual Freedom shows.

    • Darren Ball on July 30, 2022 at 12:48 pm

      Hi Chrissie! Many thanks, as always. It is stretching our minds and hearts indeed; raising our consciousness so that we can begin to realize these truths. I thought this was a particularly fitting quote from Dr. King:

      “The wisdom of the Masters, when studied and learned, alters your awareness and sets free streams of energy within your subtle nervous centres [chakras]. The aura, in turn, reflects itself on the physical and mental structure, releasing streams of energy within which, in turn, cause a great broadening of your awareness, your knowledge and, most definitely, your abilities.”
      — The Aetherius Society Newsletter, Vol 7, Issue 19-20


  3. Sue on July 30, 2022 at 7:51 am

    It’s utterly breathtaking that these Saturnian beings can split their consciousness so many times and to become various entities and elements of nature on other planets at the same time!

    In astrological terms, why is Saturn usually referred to as ‘time’ and ‘the past’ and associated with responsibility and maturity? I read You are Responsible many years ago, so maybe I need to go back and reference this…

    • Darren Ball on July 30, 2022 at 1:02 pm

      Hi Sue, I have to admit I was completely blown away myself when I heard those revelations about the Saturnians…!
      In answer to your question I think one reason is probably because our Higher Aspect travels to Saturn before rebirth in each incarnation to receive essential guidance from these Perfects of Saturn, who are also Lords of Karma. All experience is about spiritual growth – ultimately leading to our Enlightenment and, in some distant future, the return once more to the Source from which we came in the beginning! I recommend this amazing short extract from Dr. King describing this experience that we go through in the Halls of Self Judgement on Saturn:, Darren

    • Chrissie Blaze on August 9, 2022 at 7:46 am

      Hi Sue: You ask why the planet Saturn is associated in astrology with certain qualities. I can’t say exactly how the planet Saturn came to be regarded as it is today – as the planet associated with maturity, responsibility, etc. – but I can say that this planet and others in our solar system has been studied by astrologers for thousands of years. I wonder if perhaps the study of astrology was first introduced by advanced Masters to help mankind and at that time, perhaps the planets were imbued with certain qualities. With the more recent planetary discoveries, such as Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, qualities are agreed upon by the research – and I think, inspiration by some – of astrologers worldwide. Very recently, in 2018, I proposed qualities for the Earth in astrology based on my own research but certainly hope that in time other astrologers will add to this through their own research and inspiration. Thank you for your question!

  4. Marian Schroedl on July 30, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Hi Darren,
    Thank you all for sharing insights into the teachings in this format.

    I would like to say hello and thank you to Chrissie as she is instrumental in my connection to the Aetherius Society. I had a friend who lived in Swartz Creek MI, John Miller, who passed away on Thanksgiving morning 2 years ago. John had driven past the MI Headquarters and out of curiosity stopped by picking up some info which he forwarded to me. With God all things are possible…right?
    Blessed Be!

    • Darren Ball on July 30, 2022 at 2:13 pm

      Hey Marian – wow, I had no idea that’s how you found out about the Society! Thanks for sharing that!

  5. Sonia on August 2, 2022 at 7:33 pm

    Many thanks and many blessings to all. I am grateful for the Nine Freedom, Mars sector 6, Babaji (Adept) and Doctor George King (also one of the Adepts). I am getting better and better. Yes, service is the jewel in the rock of attainment. Therefore, I will never stop doing service for others.
    Love and light and blessings,🙏❤❤❤👐👐😇🌞👐👐👐👐👐👐👐🙏🙏🙏😊🌏🌞💓💓

    • Darren Ball on August 2, 2022 at 11:39 pm

      Thank you Sonia for tuning in as always. Kudos to you for not just recognising these spiritual truths, but for acting on them too! Blessings, Darren

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