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#25 – The Great Ones transmute mind and matter

Ascension is where we are all headed. It is our destiny on Earth.

An Ascended Master doesn’t just have control over mind, but matter too. That’s the key to spiritual evolution – and the reason we’re all here.

One of the most famous examples of Ascension is the Master Jesus.

After he died on the cross, the Master Jesus was able to consciously split up the matter of his physical body and transmute it into a body of much finer physical material – one which he could use to inhabit whatever realm of existence on Earth that he wished.

This concept of transmuting matter goes much further even than the alchemists of old. The alchemists were concerned with turning lead into gold; realizing their own Divine nature, but as individuals. This was the age-old wisdom of transmigration.

In the New Age wisdom of Mars Sector 6, transmutation is an all-encompassing evolutionary process in which we are responsible for raising all life – all thought and all matter – through the different levels of existence, back to the Divine.

And we don’t have to wait until Ascension to start applying this New Age wisdom ourselves! What can you do to be more in tune with the wisdom of the cosmos as a whole?

Explore this profound cosmic wisdom together with your host, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, in another episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show.

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected]

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  1. David on December 20, 2021 at 4:54 pm

    A gigantic Thank You for the super marvelous “Spiritual Freedom Show”, for tackling & explaining with great understanding the more difficult to comprehend Truths contained within The Nine Freedoms. Obviously I have become convinced this thoroughly interesting commentary is a big step towards Collective Evolution, achieving The Cosmic Plan, while reminding/revealing to listeners Our incredible Destiny, thus motivating Students to study more diligently & devote Themselves unreservedly to compliance with The Great Masters Teachings & Attending The Brilliant Online Services provided so kindly by The Aetherius Society. The fine 2022 Ecclesiastical Calendar explaining each Commemoration is also a fabulous example of The Aetherius Society’s commitment to the highest degree of exceptional Quality. Great Job!
    Wishing All You Amazing Lightworkers a very Uplifting Christmas & an Enlightening New Year!

    • Darren Ball on December 21, 2021 at 2:49 pm

      Hi David, a huge thank-you for your moving comments. It warmed my heart to hear that the show has made such an impact. It has been a real privilege to be part of the show and to explore these teachings in such depth to share with everyone on air. To greater peace and Enlightenment for our world in the year ahead. With Blessings, Darren

  2. Sonia rajkeo on December 21, 2021 at 9:16 am

    thank you for sharing the everlasting truth of God’s knowledge and practices to the world, thanks for everyone whom involved to share to teach and guided, much appreciated, happy Holidays to all and happy New Year. Much love. 🙏😇💗💓👐😁💜🌍

    • Darren Ball on December 21, 2021 at 2:32 pm

      Thank you, Sonia! Here’s to an inspired 2022! Blessings, Darren

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