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#24 – We evolve collectively not individually

#24 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

In the past, it was common for spiritual seekers to detach from the world around them in search of God-realization.

Even today, it would be easy to think that “being spiritual” was about going within for the sake of our own inner peace and personal development. But is that what it’s really about?

In the Nine Freedoms, Mars Sector 6 completely changes our understanding of what it means to be spiritual.

The ancient wisdom said that we could each go within and amalgamate with God again, leaving everything else behind. This was called transmigration.

The New Age wisdom of The Nine Freedoms says that no one – nothing, not even a Galaxy – can go back to God until all that there is goes back to God together with it. It has be done collectively. This process of collective evolution is called transmutation.

It’s no wonder that selfless service is the greatest thing any of us can do!

“Being spiritual” is about putting this wisdom into practice – by helping the whole rather than just helping ourselves.

Explore this profound cosmic wisdom together with your host, international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, in another episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show!

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  1. Beck Brissey on December 4, 2021 at 11:10 am

    In the 2nd Canto of the 12 Canto Srimad Bhagavatam, Chapter7-verse35, Swami Prabhupada explains how an impersonalist who only views Krishna as a Powerful Being and not God could still escape the cycle of birth and death by merging into the Brahma or whole-just like what our Master says in the Ninth Freedom-Solar Existence

    • Darren Ball on December 7, 2021 at 2:37 pm

      Hi Beck,
      Thanks for sharing this. I always found it rewarding to try to connect the dots between different teachings.
      Which statement by our Master are you referring to specifically?
      Best, Darren

  2. Leonor R. Cadete on December 4, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    Absolutely brilliant. Thank you.

    • Darren Ball on December 6, 2021 at 12:07 pm

      Many thanks, Leonor, for your amazing support for the show.

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