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#23 – A staggering historic change to the ancient wisdom

Episode23 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard talks about a massive change that was made to the ancient wisdom we have followed on Earth for thousands of years.

This change was so significant that it staggered Master of Yoga Dr. George King when he heard it. Even to the likes of a Master of his calibre, it was historic!

This revolutionary new teaching affects everything we think and everything we do. And, if we allow its implications to sink into our consciousness, it’ll change our whole approach to life.

So, what is this change anyway?

In the Seventh Freedom, Mars Sector 6 gives us a new interpretation of the mystical name for God.

The key word now is: transmutation.

In alchemy, transmutation is the process of changing base metals into gold. It is about changing the nature of something into something higher.

In the New Age, transmutation is about something far more important than precious metals – it is about raising the consciousness of the whole world.

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  1. Darlene Harris on November 21, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    Thank you for this historic update…

    • Darren Ball on November 23, 2021 at 4:22 am

      Thanks for tuning in, Darlene. The more we study this particular change, the more we start to realize its truly vast implications on everything we do.
      Best, Darren

  2. Eric Waardenburg on November 21, 2021 at 3:13 pm

    Thank you all for another excellent podcast, on such a vitally crucial aspect of the ancient wisdom. Richard, I’d like to get even a further appreciation of the difference between how karma operates under transmigration compared to transmutation. Before Mars Sector Six gave this jewel of information, our practical Service would have been naturally producing a process of transmutation, would it have not?
    I thought Mark’s visualisation exercise was brilliant – it gave me a glimpse through practical experience of this concept of transmigration (the selfish path). I can’t imagine that with the teachings we have today that we would go into the silence and not come out of it to be of Service to others.
    I”m looking forward to your ongoing discussion of this priceless information in the 7th Freedom.

    • Darren Ball on November 24, 2021 at 7:13 am

      Many thanks, Eric. Great question!

      Richard will be getting into this topic in depth in the next couple of shows, but I thought I’d share some thoughts in the meantime.

      In the past, yes, people would still have been transmuting their own karma through practical service to others, but that didn’t necessarily mean they were on a path of evolutionary transmutation (as Mars Sector 6 describes in the Seventh Freedom).

      In other words, even though they may have been helping others, they were still on a path of transmigration, i.e. focused on returning to the Divine as an individual by transmuting their own nature, rather than by raising all life around them – which was allowed then and did work for your own evolution, up to a point. For example, even the concept of karma yoga was about detaching from the fruits of one’s work for the sake of your own advancement, rather than doing as much as you could to raise all life around you. And in alchemy too – which also means transmutation – they weren’t talking about this vast, all-encompassing evolutionary concept of transmuting all matter and all thought back to the Divine.

      So in short, you could have been doing acts of service and bringing about a natural process of transmutation, but you could still yourself have been on the path of transmigration. And we know now that this old way simply won’t work anymore for us – check out the next show for some mind-blowing thoughts from the Master on this!


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