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#130 – Key to higher consciousness

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Lots of people talk about “raising consciousness”; sometimes our own consciousness, sometimes global consciousness.

But what does it actually mean?

Doesn’t it seem a bit vague?

I am not generally a big fan of vague terms – because vagueness can give the false impression that spirituality is nebulous and wooly, when actually it is extremely precise, can be described technically, and known through direct experience.

Join me for a conversation with Richard about higher consciousness and what it really means!

Watch the full episode as a video:


Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

Do you have a spiritual question, a story or an experience you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected].

Discover more about The Nine Freedoms.

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  1. Felix Inyang on March 9, 2024 at 6:17 am

    I’m quite interested becoming a of this spiritual group.

    • Ayub Malik on March 15, 2024 at 8:33 am

      Hi Felix,

      Thank you for your comment. A good place to start maybe is to observe and join in with some of our online activities. Feel free to join some of the online 12 Blessings services detailed at

      You can also join our Awakening through King Yoga Facebook group for free at You will find various activities that you can join in with through this Facebook group.

      I also recommend you study carefully our website to learn more about our teachings and outlook.

      If after a while you want to explore the possibility of membership of The Aetherius Society then I invite you to read the following webpage:

      Let us know if you have any further questions about The Aetherius Society.

      With blessings,


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