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Dr. George King – Karmic Agent

Dr. George King - Karmic Agent

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

On January 23rd we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Master of Yoga Dr. George King! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Richard Lawrence and Brian Keneipp, both long-time disciples of Dr. King, and co-authors of his biography, talk about one of the many facets of Dr. King: his role as a karmic agent.

The karmic law is simple: action and reaction are opposite and equal. The trap is to think of it in negative terms; as a punishment or something painful that we should try to avoid.

Dr. King talked about positive karma and what you could do to create it – not just for yourself but even for the world – giving us all an extremely empowering message of hope and aspiration.

In fact, he even talked about what you could do to “manipulate” karma – i.e. change the karma of a situation for the better, so that outside help could be allowed. For example, so that the Cosmic Masters could do more to help us solve our problems on Earth.

This is a deep aspect of metaphysics and Dr. King was, without a doubt, one of the greatest exponents on Earth of this spiritual strategy. Understanding this aspect of Dr. King and his mission to Earth is the key to understanding what he was really all about.

Tune in and discover the many ways in which Dr. King worked tirelessly to manipulate karma for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Don’t miss:

  • The unexpected advice that the Master Jesus gave to his followers
  • How the Cosmic Missions allow the Cosmic Masters to help us more
  • How Dr. King pushed the envelope with Operation Starlight to do as much good for humanity as possible
  • How Dr. King took karma through ill-health and other suffering to help humanity

Leave us a comment below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Brian Keneipp

Brian Keneipp is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the American Headquarters and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. Brian spent more than 10 years by the side of Dr. George King as his personal aide. He is the author of Operation Earth Light – A Glimpse into the World of the Ascended Masters, and the co-editor of Cosmic Voice (a journal of The Aetherius Society). He is also the co-author of The King Who Came To Earth – the recently released biography of Dr. King.

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  1. Daniel olal on January 23, 2021 at 9:52 am

    Very amazing. I love Aetherius society so much. Am Daniel from Kenya in African continent.

  2. Richard Lawrence on January 24, 2021 at 3:24 am

    We welcome you Daniel. Your appreciation of The Aetherius Society and Dr George King will be richly rewarded, Richard

  3. [email protected] on January 25, 2021 at 1:43 am

    Amazing miracle karma manipulated by avatar Dr George King, thank you for such an advanced blessing to humanity, we celebrate you for the rest of our life here moment to moment on earth and many more life times to come, grateful and thankful, more than words can say, the Aetherius Society is white magic for the world. 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇💜💜💜

  4. Richard Lawrence on January 26, 2021 at 6:44 am

    Thanks so much Sonia for your very positive comment. Your description of Dr King as a manipulator of miracle Karma is most apt – he has changed our world for ever.

  5. scott lucchese on January 30, 2021 at 10:23 am

    I have just found your amazing site. All this is mind blowing and amazing. Thank all of you for this much needed work.

  6. Richard Lawrence on February 1, 2021 at 8:09 am

    We are so glad you found us Scott. Let us know if you have any questions or need any further information. The work is a privilege and all are welcome to join us in it.

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