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A timeless spiritual lesson

A timeless spiritual lesson

Truth sometimes really is stranger than fiction. And even the best science fiction pales in comparison to the TRUE story of the Masters from Gotha.

36,000 light years from Earth in another part of the galaxy is an extremely enlightened race of beings, thousands of years in advance of our own culture and technology. Their planetary system is known as Gotha; its exact location is unknown. Three of these alien intelligences are living on Earth today helping mankind.

In this special podcast Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze, both disciples of Master of Yoga and medium Dr. George King, discuss the Gotha story and its profound implications in terms of our understanding of the much-debated spiritual dilemma between self-defence and total pacifism.

Don’t miss it!

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  1. ADRIAN on February 20, 2016 at 2:24 am

    i truly believe they are waiting for the human race to obliterate itself, and then walk in?

    • Darren on February 20, 2016 at 11:13 am

      Hi Adrian, thanks for your writing! Who do you mean by “they” and what do you mean by “walk in”? If by “they” you mean the Gotha Masters – extremely enlightened spiritual beings of profound God realisation who are clamouring for the opportunity to help save backward races like ourselves from ourselves – I would say they are not waiting at all for us to obliterate ourselves, or motivated to “walk in” and take over (if that is what you mean). You are talking about beings who are suffering, for our benefit, despite our savagery and the utterly terrifying ignorance of the mass of humanity. Their approach is also very much the approach of enlightened extraterrestrials from our own solar system, living on other planes of existence – active service, where and in whatever way they are allowed by karma, to help us towards our own enlightenment and salvation. Look forward to hearing from you, Darren

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