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A Saturn Mission Special

A Saturn Mission Special

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

In this month’s show, host Richard Lawrence invites fellow Saturn Mission Field Commander Brian Keneipp onto the show for a Saturn Mission special.

The Saturn Mission is one of the five Cosmic Missions entrusted to The Aetherius Society. What distinguishes a Cosmic Mission from other spiritual work is that it involves direct cooperation with the Cosmic Masters, using physical radionic equipment designed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. This direct cooperation is one of the things that makes the Aetherius Society so unique.

In the case of the Saturn Mission, it was not only designed, but is also performed, by the Lords of Saturn – the most advanced interplanetary beings in our Solar System. This is also what makes it our flagship Mission.

Since Dr. King’s demise, 69 phases of The Saturn Mission have been completed. The last three, however, have been undoubtedly the most difficult.

Richard and Brian helped Dr. King when he decided to hand over the legacy of this Mission, and have been on every single phase since his demise, in the UK and the USA respectively. In this month’s show they share the inside story of its history and some notes from the field in 2020!

Don’t miss:

  • How the Saturn Mission works and what it does for humanity
  • A first-hand account of the critical period during which the Modus Operandi was being worked out by Dr. King, for approval by the Cosmic Masters
  • A timeline of the key milestones between 1994 and 1996 when the Modus Operandi was finally approved
  • A reading from the actual telepathic communication between Dr. King and The Master Aetherius – a Cosmic Master from Venus – in which the Modus Operandi was approved
  • Stories from the field in 2020 – how the Mission was possible despite government lockdowns for the pandemic, strange and severe technical problems, limited access to essential equipment and a bare-bones crew!

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About Richard Lawrence

Richard Lawrence is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the European Headquarters and a Senior Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. He worked very closely with Dr. King, speaking to him face to face or on the phone almost every day for over 20 years. He is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Dr. King. He is the lead author of The King Who Came To Earth (the biography of Dr. King), and an editor of Cosmic Voice (the journal of The Aetherius Society).


About Brian Keneipp

Brian Keneipp is the Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society at the American Headquarters and a Bishop in The Aetherius Churches. Brian spent more than 10 years by the side of Dr. George King as his personal aide. He is the author of Operation Earth Light – A Glimpse into the World of the Ascended Masters, and the co-editor of Cosmic Voice (a journal of The Aetherius Society). He is also the co-author of The King Who Came To Earth – the recently released biography of Dr. King.

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