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#21 – Overcoming the only major sin on Earth

There is really only one major “sin” on Earth.

Can you guess what it is?

The Nine Freedoms gives us useful answers free from the traditional dogma and religious baggage that have obscured this and other simple truths.

Mars Sector 6 tells us exactly what the problem is, and exactly how to solve it.

The only sin, he says, is ignorance. Not ignorance in the sense of a lack of academic knowledge, but ignorance in the sense of a lack of true spiritual understanding – an understanding of Oneness.

The solution – is Enlightenment.  

Perhaps we haven’t – yet – spent the necessary effort to bring about this state of Oneness within ourselves, but we all can, and when we do, we will dispel this ignorance and with it will go the only major sin on Earth.

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard shares a fresh, liberating, and hopeful perspective on “sin,” based on the teachings of Mars Sector 6.

Don’t miss:
– A “Moment of Truth” from Julian Rosser – his life-changing experience discovering the Holy Mountains

– Join Lisa Rosser in a prayer for the Devic Kingdom – connect with the Spirits of Nature!

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected]

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  1. Elana Dewey on October 16, 2021 at 4:56 pm

    Thank you for sending me the link to this podcast. I am listening to it now.

    I still can’t seem to up load the Mixlr app successfully
    When I get a job again, I will order all the books of Dr. King.

    • Darren Ball on October 18, 2021 at 11:35 am

      Hi Elana, good to hear from you! Can I help suggest one of the books to start with? I am email you about the Mixlr all too. Best, Darren

  2. scott lucchese on October 21, 2021 at 3:40 pm

    Great show. Always learn something new about Dr King teachings. I belong to the Awakening through King Yoga facebook group. Just recently someone from England Aetherius societys posted a very uplifting abstract called “Man’s Possibilities”. I think it dovetails beatifully in what you are talking about in this podcast.

    • Darren Ball on October 22, 2021 at 1:22 pm

      Hey Scott – thank you so much for sharing that. I think that Transmission is a great example of their approach: hopeful, inspiring, free from judgement/baggage and yet absolutely direct. Great to hear you’re a part of the Group. Stay inspired and thanks for listening to the show! Best, Darren

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