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The true spirit of Christmas

The true spirit of Christmas

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

Christmas is just around the corner – and even though we don’t believe it is the true birth date of the Master Jesus, in The Aetherius Society we very much still celebrate what Christmas stands for: the coming to Earth of this great Cosmic Master of love.

In this episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze invites onto the show Alyson Lawrence, a Bishop-Elect in The Aetherius Churches and Disciple of Master of Yoga Dr George King, to share an inspiring and hopeful message about the true spirit of Christmas.

Don’t miss:

  • Revelations about the mystery surrounding the birth of The Master Jesus
  • The real mission of the Master Jesus to Earth – the spiritual triumph and the sadness
  • A simple practice you can try in order to connect with this great Master of love, including Dr King’s secret of personal prayer
  • What you can do to celebrate Christmas in a way the Cosmic Masters have encouraged us to do – and make it live within you 365 days a year!

We invite you to make this a joyful and mystic Christmas, and to spend some time contemplating on these profound and uplifting spiritual truths.

In the spirit of Dr King’s own words below, we invite you to really celebrate it:

“… put the whole balanced package of yourself, of what is in your heart, and what is in your mind, into Christmas, and put it there with intensity, because it is important that you do put it there with intensity, with concentration, with will, with a spiritual desire to not only make Christmas good for yourself but, more important, make Christmas good for all those around you…

“In this way, you will put a healing power into Christmas as well, and those people who come into contact with you will be healed by your desire, your will, and your intensity – and it’s a fact.”

We hope you are inspired by this podcast.

Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

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  1. Mollie Eilean Entwisle on December 23, 2018 at 7:47 am

    What a superb expose of the true Mission and influence of that beautiful Master of love, the Master Jesus! Thank you, Chrissie and Alyson. Anyone who has not heard the voice of the Master Jesus as he channelled the Twelve Blessings and other heartfelt messages to all of us, through the superb mediumship of Dr. George King, is very welcome to come and do so at our temples and gathering places around the world (see the Aetherius Society website). His beautiful energy will blow you away, right up into your Higher Self. All love and blessings to all of you, a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a wonderfully spiritual 2019 xxx

  2. Yomi Oduguwa on January 8, 2019 at 10:04 am

    Much Thanks to the Master G K for revealing the real Jesus to an ignorant world.
    And kudos to the Two Wise Women Chrissie and Alyson for this brilliant exposition.
    More grease (or should I say more energy) to their elbows.

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