Blog/Podcast Archives: The Aetherius Society

Earth Goddess: A New Ecology

Ecology is how living things interact with their environment. But one thing that is missing from mainstream ecology is how we interact with the Earth Goddess – upon whom we live – as a highly-evolved, conscious intelligence. In this show, co-host Chrissie Blaze, will be discussing with her guest, Alyson Lawrence, the true nature of…


The Aetherius Society Symbol – A Meditation

Yoga masters throughout the ages have accessed profound wisdom by attaining the highest states of meditation known as Samadhi. In late 1955, Master of Yoga Dr George King entered a deep state of meditation lasting for at least 65 hours in St. Mawes, Cornwall. During this meditation he devised what was to become the symbol used by The Aetherius Society which had just been founded. This…

Our Directives for the next 1000 years

Our Directives For The Next 1000 Years (Part 4)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the fourth and final instalment in a series based on ‘The Five Temples of God’ – a communication giving The Aetherius Society world-changing directives for the coming 1000 years. This communication was given through the yogic mediumship of Master…

Our Directives for the next 1000 years

Our Directives For The Next 1000 Years (Part 3)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the third part in a series based on a communication giving The Aetherius Society directives for the coming 1000 years. This communication was given through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King in 1967, by an…

Our Directives for the next 1000 years

Our Directives For The Next 1000 Years (Part 2)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the second part in a series based on a communication giving The Aetherius Society directives for the coming 1000 years. This communication was given through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King in 1967, by an…

Our Directives for the next 1000 years

Our Directives For The Next 1000 Years (Part 1)

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This truly-inspired episode is based on a communication entitled ‘The Five Temples of God.’ This Transmission was given through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King in 1967, by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as the Master Aetherius. It laid out important directives to The Aetherius Society…

A disciple remembers - 40 years as Executive Secretary

A Disciple Remembers: 40 Years As Executive Secretary

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing to follow a master is good, but choosing to serve him or her and their mission, even in a small way, is better – and more important to the world as a whole. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, staff member Darren Ball interviews Richard Lawrence…

Knighthood and Consecration of His Eminence Sir George King

The Knighthood and Consecration of His Eminence Sir George King

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. “I thus initiate you as Grand Knight Templar of the Inner Sanctum of the Holy Order of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.” Thus spoke the Lord Buddha to Master of Yoga Dr George King on December 5th 1978 in the mystical “city” of Shamballa, while Dr King was in…

Interview – why choose a spiritual path?

Interview: Why choose a spiritual path

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Choosing a spiritual path to follow is one of the most important, if not the most important, decision you will ever make. And it’s by no means an easy decision. This is not something we’re taught at school, or something that most parents ever sit down with their children…

Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organisation

Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization

Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now call King Yoga. As part of these celebrations we have…

World service through King Yoga

World service through King Yoga

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. There are many ways of giving service to others – spiritual and material, and all of them are important.But as spiritual workers we each have to look for the way in which we think we can make the greatest possible difference to the world as a whole. In The Aetherius Society we believe that…


New Year Reflections on a New Age Meditation

In 2015, Brian Keneipp and I made a pilgrimage to the picturesque town of St Mawes on the south coast of Cornwall. It was some 60 years earlier that Dr. George King had stayed here for a historic purpose when he devised The Aetherius Society Symbol. Later he wrote, referring to the ancient Sanskrit symbol…