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Mars – The Red Planet

In this show Chrissie Blaze interviews Alyson Lawrence about her scientific and astronomical research which proves many of the predictions made and published by The Aetherius Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, many decades ago about the planet Mars.

Both Alyson and Chrissie were close students of Dr. King for over twenty years, and continue to support his global mission. Chrissie, from her astrological background, will explain why we are in a significant Mars period now until the end of June, and why it is significant that Alyson’s extensive research is brought to light now.

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

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  1. RADHA KRISHNA &SUBHADRA TANTHANAPALLY on September 4, 2020 at 3:56 am

    Aetherius Society is definetely going to change the face of Religion soon.

    • Darren Ball on September 5, 2020 at 2:28 am

      100% yes. People like you will help make it possible.
      With Blessings, Darren

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