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The King Yoga Experience

The King Yoga Experience

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live.

King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world.

King Yoga is what we call the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society, given by and through Master of Yoga Dr George King. King Yoga is threefold: service to others, spiritual teachings, and self-development.

This path promises spiritual truth, realization, higher forms of experience and most of all the greatest opportunities to help others and become enlightened.

But you don’t just believe in King Yoga – you experience it.

This is not a metaphor – it is literally true. These unique teachings and practices do not require any blind faith whatsoever. They are real. Even with no prior experience, if you make the effort and keep an open mind you will feel the results for yourself.

Tune in for another fascinating show with host Chrissie Blaze, an international speaker and author of 12 books, including the bestselling Power Prayer and Deeper into Love.

In this episode, she invites onto the show Mark Bennett, co-author of the award-winning titles Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels and Prayer Energy, both written with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence.

Don’t miss:

  • Some of the amazing experiences of people who have tried these practices for the first time
  • What karma is really about and how King Yoga will transform your karma for the better
  • Why you may experience karmic difficulties when you devote yourself to a spiritual path
  • How and what you can do to help others through King Yoga
  • A series of very simple but potent spiritual practices you can start doing today

And finally, learn about the King Yoga Experience Events and Workshops kicking off at our centers around the world, where you too can really experience King Yoga for yourself!

These evenings are an opportunity for people who are new to King Yoga to actually experience it for themselves – to have an experience of realization, spiritual awakening, or psychic phenomena.

After all, experience, more than any debate or philosophy, will prove to anybody that King Yoga works!

We hope you are inspired by this podcast. Please do not hesitate to leave us your comments below, or contact us directly, if you have any questions about the work that we do and how you can become a Friend of The Aetherius Society.

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  1. Ayaana din on January 26, 2018 at 6:41 am

    Please let me know when you have a workshop

    • Darren on January 27, 2018 at 4:40 am

      Hi Ayaana! We certainly will and look forward to having you. Blessings, Darren

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