Prayer Energy (First Edition)


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Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe (luxury first edition)

By Richard Lawrence with Mark Bennett

  • USD $16.95
  • GBP £12.99

Thoughts are things… Everything we think affects the world around us, as well as our own lives.

Exploring a wealth of traditions and outlining Dr. King’s brilliant technique of dynamic prayer, this beautifully-illustrated hardback, by international bestselling author Richard Lawrence co-written with Mark Bennett, reveals a profound connection between positive thought and powerful change.

Included are over 30 of the most inspiring, uplifting prayers from the world’s many cultures and faiths. Arranged in themed chapters, there are prayers for peace, travel, compassion, healing, and many more. Some of these prayers may be familiar, others, new to you; but all will help inspire powerful, positive change.

  • Prayers for guidance, healing, and wisdom for everyone, whether your faith lies in God, the Universe, Mother Earth, the All-that-is, or Divine Creator
  • The perfect introduction to the power of positive prayer

This book is also available in French and Japanese.

“Highly recommended.” Kindred Spirit

“It leaves the confinement of religious dogma behind to bring a respectful and insightful view on prayer in which the most important ingredient is love.” Paradigm Shift

“A minor tour de force that will educate, enlighten and inspire.”
Caduceus Magazine

“Readers of any spiritual background (or lack thereof) can use this book to learn more about the positive effects of prayer and how to use their words efficiently to connect with the divine.” Conscious Community Magazine

Richard Lawrence is an award-winning international bestselling author who has frequently appeared on television and radio around the world, and has written for a wide variety of national newspapers and magazines. He is Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe, and was one of the foremost disciples of Dr. George King.

Mark Bennett is an International Director of The Aetherius Society and is also co-author of Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels.

Hardback; 160 pages.