Dear Friends:
Welcome to The Aetherius Society

Chrissie Blaze – author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.
Thank you for your interest in learning more about my Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, and The Aetherius Society – the spiritual organization he founded in 1955 after he was contacted by an advanced, extraterrestrial intelligence known as Aetherius.
Following this initial contact, known as The Command, Dr. King’s far-reaching mission of personal and global healing began.
I was fortunate to be one of only a hundred close students and disciples worldwide who assisted Dr. King in undertaking his Mission for world peace and enlightenment.
I studied and worked with him at the two Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London and later in Los Angeles until his passing in 1997. I later moved to The Michigan Branch with my husband and fellow disciple, Gary Blaze, where we continue to support and promote our Master and his life’s work.
I had been searching for truth for many years. I had studied numerous books and the lives of many wonderful Masters but when I first met Dr. King I knew he was extraordinary, and I soon learned why.
Dear Friends:
Welcome to The Aetherius Society
Chrissie Blaze – author of twelve books, including the bestselling book Power Prayer (co-author, Gary Blaze) and her latest book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power.
Thank you for your interest in learning more about my Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, and The Aetherius Society – the spiritual organization he founded in 1955 after he was contacted by an advanced, extraterrestrial intelligence known as Aetherius.
Following this initial contact, known as The Command, Dr. King’s far-reaching mission of personal and global healing began.
I was fortunate to be one of only a hundred close students and disciples worldwide who assisted Dr. King in undertaking his Mission for world peace and enlightenment.
I studied and worked with him at the two Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London and later in Los Angeles until his passing in 1997. I later moved to The Michigan Branch with my husband and fellow disciple, Gary Blaze, where we continue to support and promote our Master and his life’s work.
I had been searching for truth for many years. I had studied numerous books and the lives of many wonderful Masters but when I first met Dr. King I knew he was extraordinary, and I soon learned why.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919-1997)
He had, through years of focused effort and strict yogic discipline, attained the highest states of consciousness. By the early 1950s, through incredible mental control he was able to levitate, to dematerialize and re-materialize, and leave his body at will.
He became an exceptional Medium, at first receiving messages from advanced Masters on the higher mental realms and later from Masters from beyond this world, such as The Master Aetherius, known as Cosmic Masters.
Life was a perpetual inspiration for me and his other students to study under and work with him for we lived in a constant atmosphere of dynamic and intense spirituality that is difficult to describe in everyday terms. Those twenty-five years seemed like lifetimes of concentrated experience.
Like other Masters I had studied, Dr. King was nothing like the average person.
My Master was compassionate, sensitive and wise beyond measure.
He was a mystic and a poet and yet also a scientist and occultist; strong, tough and disciplined with himself and those close to him.
He was a spiritual warrior, determined and focused on his mission of world service. As a spiritual teacher, he worked hard with endless patience and compassion – and a wonderful dose of ready humor - to help his students learn and grow.

Dr. King practiced the higher forms of yoga for an average of 8 to 10 hours a day for 10 years.
He was a pioneer in the realms of thought; ahead of his time and yet he was, unlike those other Masters, a man and Master for this Age of science and spirituality - the Aquarian Age.
Although born in Shropshire in the Midlands of England, it became clear to those who were close to him that he and his mission were other-worldly.
He was a visionary; an inventor of spiritual technology and his mission was focused 24/7 on bringing light, healing and love into our world – and giving us the powerful spiritual tools so that all of us – and all his followers today and in the future – can do the same.
His mission encapsulated the motto of The Aetherius Society “Service is the jewel in the rock of attainment.”
I learned so much, directly from Dr. King himself and also through the Cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society, that one of my most heartfelt desires is to share these wonderful teachings with as many people as possible.
I know from my own experience that they can inspire, guide, heal and strengthen you. They will, if studied and practiced, help you realize the great spiritual riches you have within you.

TOP: Practicing mantra in The Temple in Los Angeles. BOTTOM: The Aetherius Society has offered free spiritual healing using the King Technique since the 1960s, and has taught the technique, which anyone can use, to thousands of students around the world.
But, please don’t take my word for it – please try them for yourself! I know from your interest in astrology that you are seeking truth about yourself, as well as knowledge about the influence of the planets including the Earth upon which we live.
If you wish to go further in your search for truth, please study these pages with an open mind and heart. I believe they will transform your life for the better – bringing meaning, fulfilment and joy – just as they do for me.
The unique teachings offer powerful ways to unlock your inner potential. They will answer the deepest questions about the meaning of life and why we are here on Earth:
- Life after death
- Karma and reincarnation
- The various realms of existence on this planet and other planets within our solar system;
- The spiritual nature of man
- And much more!

The Mother Earth
Let us begin this journey by first learning about the beautiful planet upon which we live, breathe and evolve – the Mother Earth.
Dr. King, through his own deep spiritual realizations and meditations, understood the true nature of this highly evolved, living Intelligence.
The following is a selection of recommended lectures and books about the sacred nature of Mother Earth, her history, her realms of nature, the Devic Kingdom, and Dr. King’s visits to the center of Earth in a projected state.
The Cosmic Plan
In this lecture, Dr. George King describes a great cosmic plan unfolding for the spiritual upliftment and enlightenment of humankind. He reveals our true history since coming to this planet over many millions of years.
Discover more about the Cosmic Plan
The Devic Kingdom
In this lecture by Dr. George King, you will learn that the forces of nature around us are living, breathing, conscious entities. Our relationship with these nature spirits – also known as devas – is essential for the balance of environmental conditions on Earth.
Discover more about The Devic Kingdom
Visit to the Logos of Earth
Within the Earth is the very life force of a great Goddess, protected by ancient yet ageless Masters. This beautifully-written book describes two visits made by Dr. George King in a projected state to the center of the Earth, and is packed with inspirational spiritual revelations.
Discover more about The Initiation of Earth
The Twelve Blessings
This is a mystic text and a potent spiritual practice, delivered to Earth by the Avatar of Love, The Master Jesus through the advanced Mediumship of Dr. George King. In the Seventh Blessing – Blessed Is The Mother Earth - Jesus offers elevated Wisdom about the true Nature and plight of the Earth. Each blessing is a profound teaching and closes with a prayer that we can all use to radiate the energy of Love to our world so needed in these days.
Discover more about The Twelve Blessings
Twelve Blessings online Services – radiate spiritual energy
At home, you can add The Twelve Blessings as an integral part of your spiritual practices. We also hold regular Twelve Blessings Services at Centers throughout the world, as well as online Services where people throughout the world join in radiating their love to our suffering world.

Our Evolution on Mother Earth
In her great compassion for involved humanity, the Mother Earth has allowed us a home in space in order to live, breathe, awaken and evolve, with no thought of reward or even gratitude.
Just as the Earth herself goes through advanced Initiations, so too do we humans go through initiations as we progress on our spiritual journey. The following teachings will help us in our journey Godwards:
The Nine Freedoms
In this sacred text, delivered by the Cosmic Master, Mars Sector 6, you will learn of essential steps on your journey through evolution on planet Earth. It begins with Bravery, moves into Love and Service, and takes us into Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and, eventually the long sought-after initiation of Ascension. It opens the door to further experience even beyond this Earth.
Discover more about The Nine Freedoms
Realize Your Inner Potential through King Yoga
This practical guidebook by Dr. George King and his disciple, Richard Lawrence, contains powerful spiritual practices that previously were only available to initiates in the ancient mystery schools. They assist all seekers in their journey towards enlightenment. Learn the secrets of mystical mantra; powerful pranayama exercises; how to heal over a distance, and much more.
Karma and Reincarnation
This booklet, written by Dr. George King, contains gems of wisdom about reincarnation and about Karma, and what it really is. Dr. King explains that this Law of Karma has within it a vein of compassion that allows us to use this Law to transform our lives and our world. The more we understand this, the more we can use this understanding to become masters of our lives.
Discover about Karma and Reincarnation
Operation Sunbeam
The Mother Earth has given us a home and all we need for many millions of years without any thought of repayment. We therefore owe the Earth a tremendous karmic debt. Dr. King recognized this, and devised equipment that enables tremendously elevated spiritual energy to be given to certain sacred chakras of Mother Earth on behalf of you and I, and all humanity.
Discover more about Operation Sunbeam
The King Who Came to Earth
This is the life story of a unique Master, Dr. George King, who came to Earth to give of Himself to help humanity in all possible ways. This is a rare glimpse into his own growth and evolution; his formative years and his blossoming, and describes what helped to mold him into the Avatar that our world needs today and into the future. This official Biography, written by two of his closest disciples, Richard Lawrence and Brian Keneipp is now available.

When the student is ready the Master will appear
You may know the aphorism: When the student is ready the Master will appear. When we open our minds, our eyes and ears to truth; when we have a strong desire to learn, to grow, to evolve; the right Master – your Master – the one who can most help you in your growth and evolution will appear.
This wonderful initiation; this spiritual gift of finding a Master may come to you in one of many ways - perhaps through a book, a podcast, another person, or through your own intuition which will, if you allow it, guide you through the mires of materialism to the spiritual heights.
It is not by chance that you have now heard about Dr. George King; it is by design.
The design of the intricate pattern of your evolution; your unique karmic pattern, that has led you to this point.
Dr. George King can become your Spiritual Master if you open your heart to him, and the more you learn about him; the more you study his teachings and his missions, you too can begin to feel the great spiritual power; the unbelievable love and compassion, just as I did.
Then a new journey; an incredibly powerful journey in which you can light up the world with your love, your healing, your service to all, and yourself be rejuvenated and regenerated by this – will begin.
Chrissie Blaze
17 Days of Spiritual Wisdom - Email Series
If you are interested in learning more about King Yoga, I invite you to subscribe to our introductory email series – 17 days of spiritual wisdom that will change your life...!
- Will I find spiritual truth? A tale of two seekers…
- Why isn’t my life better?
- Does God love me?
- What happens after death?
- Can I become a great Spiritual Master?
- Do I need a spiritual guru?
- How do I choose a spiritual guru?
- What can I do to help the world?
- Why aren’t my prayers always answered?
- How can I become more spiritual?
- Is it possible to communicate with people after they have died?
- What is life like elsewhere in the universe?
- Spiritual Aliens – why are they here?
- How can I raise my consciousness and change the world?
"Can I just say how interesting it has been reading the Aetherius emails this week, and learning about things I had never thought about. My view of creation has changed completely and I wonder about any lives we may have had and how we may have lived them... I look forward to the emails each and every day and read them continuously. Many thanks." – Ken, UK
"It was unbelievable to learn so much from the great man Dr. George King..." – Jerry, USA
"I am forever grateful to learn the truth – nothing but the truth – from Dr. George King." – Sonia, USA
"I always realized we were here for something greater. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I want to thank you with every fiber of my being. The path to enlightenment is everything my soul has ever desired from life." – Richard, USA
"All of the teachings resonate… I’ve been searching and studying many different paths for TRUTH, and take comfort in knowing I have found it… I get the most joy out of helping others in any way I can, but mostly when I can help someone find enlightenment... I firmly believe the only way out of the darkness our planet is experiencing at this time is to send love and compassion out to the universe." – Renee, USA
"I'm so glad I've found The Aetherius Society as it has a sense of 'coming home'.... I have started to become more spiritually aware and I have now reached the point where I want to find a deeper level of spirituality. I know my purpose here is to serve and I am happy that I can do this in so many ways...." – Jill, UK